Am I done?

<p>Hello! I submitted my enrollment deposit and housing deposit earlier today (and signed the contract). I just wanted to make sure that that was all that needed to be done in order to be in line for housing? My application says that I can “save & continue” after the roommate finder/search thing, but when I click it, it just stays on that page–that’s okay, right? It doesn’t affect anything if I can’t get past that page? I received the email that said my application was complete, but I wanted to double-check that it’s okay to not get past the “Roommate Selection” screen.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! :)</p>

<p>Yes you’re done.
If you wanna get to know your future classmates, I would join the class of 2018 Facebook group to meet friends or potential room mates. It’s a really active group and everyone is super friendly. There are even current UA students in the group who will answer any questions you have about bama or college life in general!</p>

<p>Awesome, awesome! Thank you very much! And I will definitely look into the Facebook group–Alabama is definitely one of my top choices right now, and I would love to start meeting others interested in attending too. Thanks again!</p>