Am I eligible & a good candidate for The Gates Scholarship?

I’m a Korean student living in Hawaii that will be graduating in 2018. I’m currently in the top 10% of my class. My test scores suck… like a lot, but my GPA right now is a 4.0. I have taken honors and AP classes throughout my last three years of high school and just finished a college class online. I’m not a US citizen but a permanent citizen.
There are 5 members in my family (including me), and our income is about $27,600 a year. I’ll be the first in the family to go to college in America (parents have graduated college in Korea).
I have been elected president of NHS for this upcoming school year and am planning to run for a student council position. I’ve been a part of the dance team at my high school (1 year), high school varsity waterpolo team (1 year), high school varsity swim team (2 years), and triathlon club (3 years).
I’ve done lots of volunteer work, through church, NHS, school tutoring, and the triathlon club. I should have over 100 volunteer hours.
I’m not very skilled at writing essays (will get help for them when applying for the scholarship), but have lots of things that would catch people’s eyes and am confident in them.

I just want to get some feedback on what some of you guys think. Thankyou so much :slight_smile: Have a good day!

Apply and see.

To others…isn’t the Gates a new program beginning this year?

My foster son applied and won as part of the 2015 class. It was an extensive process, 57,000 applicants, 2000 semifinalists (no money given out at this level) and 1,000 winners.

The process for the “new” Gates opens on July 15 and closes on Sept 15th, I have to believe that is going to have a huge negative impact on the number of applicants. Regardless, I would look back thru this forum, read especially Preston’s (northernAZ) posts on how to write a good essay (he has since died, but he was a hugely helpful resource). Start working on your essays NOW. With what you are saying you have to offer, you should be applying to some of the other eligible scholarships - Elks, Jack Kent Cooke, Horatio Alger etc. It is going to take serious effort, but you probably have a solid month to work before school comes back in. Take a look at Courtney Thurston’s mentions of other scholarships. Feel free to message me if you need any additional guidance. Best to you.

@thumper1 yes, it’s a new program :slight_smile:

@NJRoadie Your response helped me so much! And thankyou for letting me know about the other scholarships I would be eligible for! I seriously do not know a lot about the scholarships I could apply for, since my school counselor doesn’t really care :frowning: Once again, thankyou!!

@NJRoadie if you have time, could you message me some other scholarships I would be eligible for? thankyou!

I just finished my application, wish me luck.

If you are eligible for Gates, financially and ethnically, you should definitely check out Questbridge.