<p>OK, so here is my profile (I'm a HS junior right now):</p>
<p>2210 SAT: (800 CR 770 WR 640 Math, I know I'm pretty polarized.)</p>
<p>Haven't taken the SAT II yet but I'll probably take Lit and US History and get 770+ in both.</p>
<p>No ACTs, never will be.</p>
<p>School doesn't give out rank or GPA, but I am pretty sure I'm top 10%.</p>
<p>Only taken AP Art History so far, got a 4, taking Lang and US History now, 4s or 5s in all likelihood.</p>
<p>I'm in NHS, probably in some leadership position next year, President of Junior Statesmen of America (JSA), captain and most senior attorney on Mock Trial team, in Spanish National Honors Society, probably in some leadership position next year as well, Quiz Bowl captain. I think that's a fair amount of honors and leadership positions, but hey, it's Yale.</p>
<p>Not an athlete, unfortunately.</p>
<p>Done free tutoring on a weekly basis this year to academically troubled middle schoolers, volunteered at a local blood drive and plan to do so in the future.</p>
<p>I'll get great recommendations in all likelihood, as I have a couple teachers picked out.</p>
<p>My work experience is really the kicker, though, I think it helps me stand out: I'm a paid Featured Columnist for an internationally syndicated internet sports publication, I've been in regular contact with fans all over the world, from Europe to Africa and Asia, and by the time I apply, I'll have accumulated one million reads and 200 articles written. I think that's a bit unique.</p>
<p>Essays should be fine, I should be a good interviewee, I come from a good NJ public school, a family in an income bracket high enough that a FAFSA is irrelevant, and I don't have any hooks.</p>
<p>Should I apply early decision to Yale (or maybe Princeton/Havard, similar stuff I guess), or perhaps check out another school, as it's just too much of a reach for me?</p>