<p>Thanks S Yoshi 11! I have looked at Cornell a bit, but I heard that there’s no biomedical engineering, or is there? Congrats on being an Ivy Leaguer, and Best of luck at Cornell! :)</p>
<p>BTW, do you feel that my inventions are a good hook?</p>
<p>Thanks S Yoshi 11! I have looked at Cornell a bit, but I heard that there’s no biomedical engineering, or is there? Congrats on being an Ivy Leaguer, and Best of luck at Cornell! :)</p>
<p>BTW, do you feel that my inventions are a good hook?</p>
<p>IMO your grades and all look as long as you have the SAT to match it. But who knows, this whole college process is a crapshoot anyways.</p>
<p>Yeah, I agree, eagles10, college admissions are unpredictable for the most part.</p>
<p>Wow, very impressive! You definitely have a high chance at Brown (the school you want to go) and Vanderbilt!</p>
<p>Keep on continuing your impressive resume! :D</p>
<p>Thanks ShinyHelloKity, that’s very kind of you and I appreciate you chancing me! </p>
<p>What about my chances at:</p>
UNC-In State
NC State
Virginia Tech</p>
<p>wow you have a great chance at all of your colleges, but ivys are so totally unpredictable! I’m a sophomore as well, and I’m more of the acedemics/writer/speaker type of student. I’m looking at the ivys too, but not exactly counting on them. I think it’s the essay that you put in your application that gets someone in. So keep doing well in school work and write an amazing essay! Good luck on the SATs!!</p>
<p>Thanks simplysweet28, you’re so nice! I wish you the best of luck on the SAT and on your recs/essays!</p>
<p>I’m hoping that my inventions and basketball interests are good enough hooks to pop out among other applicants. I also love debate, but I guess that this interest is fairly common when it comes to Ivy applicants, no?</p>
<p>It’s way too early to tell. But with what you have posted, I can tell you that you have done way more than I had 2 years back and I was accepted to 2/3ivies I applied to. Keep on doing what you are doing right now. You shouldn’t have much of a problem getting into ivies if you don’t screw up in the next year and a half. </p>
<p>I usually give these advices to people asking for a chance: </p>
<p>write a good essay that capture the essence of who you are (beware of arrogant tales of success, sob stories, and “creative” pieces that actually just shows how uncreative you really are, insecure rants, etc. unless you are truly just arrogant, boring, whiny, and/or uncreative–then I don’t blame the adcoms for rejecting you…;)</p>
<p>Show passion in what you do (which I do detect on your EC list, so good job there! :))</p>
<p>Get to know your teachers so you can find a couple teachers who are willing to write you awesome rec letters. They must be good writers, like you as a person and a student, and willing to check off most of the boxes as at least top 5% I’ve seen on the evaluation sheet.</p>
<p>you’re looking great just get a high SAT and you have a very very good chance.</p>
<p>Thanks KitKatz and sleepyz, you guys are very nice! I am passionate about my ECs and I actually have gotten two know a few teachers quite well this year actually. I’ll have classes with all of them the next two years, so I surmise that’s a plus. Thank you for the good input, guys!</p>
<p>bumpppppppp, any more advice? I’ll chance back! ;)</p>
<p>Your GPA is definitely working for you, but I’d make sure you do as well as you are confident of on the SAT/ACT, that’s the real tearjerker. And even after that, it is really hard to tell. I had a friend that is about to graduate that had a 2340 (1600 CR+M) and got rejected by Princeton and MIT but then got a full scholarship and research stipend to Claremont-McKenna University in California. I’d aim for a 34 and 2250 because you’re 20 inventions is a good add to your resume.</p>
<p>Your extracurriculars are a little sparse but they’re interesting and at least you’re not spreading yourself too thin. The tough schedule is good, but it’s still a little early to tell because you’re not a junior yet and the 11th grade grades are important…still, you ARE on track! :D</p>
<p>Thanks guys! Happy Mother’s Day!!! :)</p>
<p>I am hoping that I do well on my SAT/ACT because I WILL work as much as need to get that “critical” 2250+. My school is offering a practice SAT next weekend, so we’ll see what happens-I pray that I do well!</p>
<p>Thanks for the input HOLA1992 and deeds1!</p>
<p>bumppppppppppp, some more advice, please!!! ;)</p>
<p>I’ll chance back!!!</p>
<p>Okay, I need to give it to you straight. You really need to stop doing all these posts. I get it, youre stressed, but this is your sophomore year. It is one thing to say, “I expect a 2250 on the SATs” and to actually have it, and the difference between them is huge. I’m not telling you to get off this forum, that isn’t my advice. Stay on here, look at some stats, and focus on your studies. Get SAT/ACT advice, work on all of that, but really, chancing is IMPOSSIBLE. Now, your second semester of junior year, come back, and then ask for chances. I only say this because on multiple chance threads I have seen this from you:</p>
<p>“Short little Response in Which you Say a couple of things, mostly ending in you have a good chance.”
followed by…
Chance me back! <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/699897-am-i-track-ivies-duke-wake-vanderbilt-4.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/699897-am-i-track-ivies-duke-wake-vanderbilt-4.html</a></p>
<p>You have an addiction to chancing, man, and you really need to chill. There is nothing we can say that will get you into an Ivy.</p>
<p>Dude, dreamsofivy, what’s your deal? I just try to help and console somebody because I like people to do the same for me. All I want to do is help others who have questions, man. Do you not see others doing the same thing? I don’t know what I did to tip you off, but I apologize. I actually have a life and I’m not reclusive if that’s what you’re getting at. I know junior year is crucial, but my grades are pretty consistent year to year, so I expect to do well. My classmates are slipping right now, but I’m still going strong to finish the year on a good note. I HOPE to get a 2250+ and WILL work to get it close to that, FYI. I came on this forum to get opinions of other people to see how I stack up at my favorite schools.</p>
<p>Thank you for the extra motivation, because now I have “hater” to provoke me, the same way I go off in sports. Who knew that the internet could make you want to do well in school (LOL) !Thank you for pushing me over the edge and I know that I’m ranting, but what’s with the attack? Sheesh!</p>
<p>On a lighter note, I hope that everybody had a wonderful Mother’s Day!!! :)</p>
<p>Please give me GOOD advice, everyone and I will chance you back!!!</p>
<p>Dreamsofivy is correct here. If this defensive attitude comes across in your application, you will not be admitted.</p>
<p>You have what appears to be a nagging personality. That’s an annoying personality–not many colleges want that. Take a life lesson: affability is often far more important than sheer intelligence. After all, that’s the purpose of teacher and counselor recommendations–to convey how you function in the classroom and amongst your peers. As Willy Loman would say in Death of a Salesman, work on being “well-liked.”</p>
<p>Um, who said that this aggressive defensive stance will appear in my application? Where was that written? You’ve never seen me play sports, so you obviously don’t get what I’m talking about when I respond to a challenge. Ever watch what happens when you get KG or Kobe mad? (my skill will never reach these two great players level obviously). In the words of HOF Mark Jackson, “Momma, there goes that man again!” (don’t know if you get the reference). I’m actually well-liked at school and I have a good relationship will all of my teachers. </p>
<p>You guys don’t get it, what’s wrong with me chancing other people when they request it? Is it illegal? IRLJunkie and dreamsofivy, you guys are taking this WAY too seriously.</p>
<p>Much like a puppy that nips at a person’s heels, you’re pesky and annoying. That’s all. </p>
<p>You’re probably a wonderful person in real life, but admissions officers don’t see you in real life. They see you through your writing. And your writing doesn’t cast you in a very good light.</p>
<p>You can choose to ignore this and cast it off as “hatin’.” That’s fine. It’s your loss, not mine.</p>
<p>As to asking for chances as a sophomore, dreamsofivy wasn’t really making as much of an ad hominem attack as he was clarifying that it is impossible to accurately chance you until your scores are set in stone. Until then, your hopes may be unjustly inflated or deflated. So just wait. Be patient. After all, the months after you submit your applications will require patience. Now is a good time to learn.</p>