Am I screwed? Rising soph with 3.15GPA

<p>I'm a rising sophomore in Stern and I ended my freshman year with a 3.15 GPA. Long story short, I messed up second semester big time and it tanked my GPA. Is there a realistic way I can bring this back up to 3.5? I know freshman year is considered the "easy" year and the curved classes have yet to truly come out. </p>

<p>I'm bugging out a little bit and would appreciate it if any upperclassmen could offer any objective insight. Thanks in advance.</p>


<p>Until hellodocks comes on and hopefully can address your question, I want to let you know I remember hellodocks mentioned that he really messed up his freshman year at Stern because he had trouble adjusting. I am not sure how “bad” his GPA was. He turned things completely around in one year and as forum readers know, he has now gotten himself a top rate internship (Morgan Stanley?) So apparently, he really got his act together and did everything he could to study hard, study smart and network in a smart way.</p>

<p>Check the response I gave you in my thread.</p>

<p>hellodocks, That was a nice response for NJs and all other freshmen who have not done so well coming out of freshman year. It is good to know there is redemption for those adjusting to college first year. IF the person is willing to work hard and work smart after that. :)</p>

<p>dude I got into CAS with a 3.1 UW/3.4 W but I had great SAT’s and SAT II’s and extracurriculars</p>