Am I screwed?

<p>Hi guys, I just finished a terrible econ midterm. And I'm almost positive I've screwed myself over for the semester and got a C in the course.</p>

<p>I'm looking to aim for UPenn/Cornell/Duke/Gerogetown. Will this C severely hurt my chances when it shows up on my Midyear Reports? :/ </p>

<p>My stats are otherwise solid, though not extraordinary.
SAT: 730V 720M 740W
Rank: 4/800
GPA: 3.7(u)/6.2(w)
Lots of community/clubs stuff. Founder of two clubs, and a community project. </p>

<p>Also, I just want to know: do they look at your app differently if you put a different major. For example, if I were to put myself down as a Japanese Language major instead of an Econ major?</p>

<p>Toast. Learn to love the spatula, youre gonna be flipping burgers in 5 years.</p>

<p>If all your other grades are A's, it may only sting a little. More if you're planning to major in Economics.</p>

<p>Hm... Other grades are 2 Bs, 3 As.</p>

<p>Anyone else...? :/ Bump.</p>

Also, I just want to know: do they look at your app differently if you put a different major. For example, if I were to put myself down as a Japanese Language major instead of an Econ major?


<p>Depends on the school, but usually. Schools may give special consideration to you if your intended major lies in a department they are trying to improve.</p>