**epic fail!**

<p>hey, thanks for checking out this post. this is my "epic fail" situation. i will get a c+ in ap world history, for my first semester sophomore year. how much will this hurt me if i am applying to wharton ED? (and other ivies to major in economics?) i will still be in the top 10 percent of my graduating class. i will have also taken the most ap classes.</p>

<p>as long as your second semester is better it shouldn’t really matter. also, you’re only a sophomore and you already know where you’re applying ED and your rank/aps?</p>

<p>I got a D+ first quarter of APUSH junior year (long story), but I was able to pull it up to a B+ for my final grade. As you can see, I got into Stanford. As long as you do well second semester and average it out to a good grade, it won’t hurt you.</p>

<p>Yea. Don’t give up hope. 3rd quarter last year I had a 2.8. I nearly doubled that to have a 5.0 by the end of the semester.</p>

<p>Get an A+ second semester so it averages out to a B+. There’s nothing wrong with the semester grade in and of itself, but you don’t want a year grade that’s below a B/B+, even though it’s not related to your intended major.</p>

<p>if you’re a senior, it really won’t help. But if you’re not a senior, end up with a B.</p>

<p>unfortunately all of you are misunderstanding me (thanks for the replies though,
what i mean is a C+ SEMESTER grade, not quarter. this means that that C+ will be seen on my 1st semester grade of my sophomore year (there are 2 semesters in a year).</p>

<p>Do you not have rolling grades at your school?</p>

<p>Wow, people get grades for full years? We always got semester grades. I would love to have a B+ instead of an A and a C+</p>

<p>I had 2 Cs sophomore year, one in english, and one in spanish III, and I got into cornell engineering.</p>

OGODTHANKYOUSOMUCH!!! haha, that was EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. so ivies are pretty forgiving? they wouldn’t reject an applicant for a c+?</p>

<p>One C+ early on, assuming that it’s an anomaly on your transcript, should have little effect, overall. Just keep doing your best work.</p>

<p>dude you’re waay too young to be worrying about college. don’t start worrying until senior year.</p>

<p>If you want to hear a real epic fail, try making an 8 on the ACT. That actually happened at my school. I knew a guy personally who made around a 13.</p>

<p>Your C+ is not as bad as you think once you put it in perspective.</p>


wow, your a soph and already planning out your life like that? and i didn’t even pay attention to my class rank until fall of senior year.</p>

<p>you will NEVER enjoy HS if you go through your four years like this. geez…</p>

<p>Please go to your counseling office and find out for sure how your transcript appears when it is sent to colleges. Many schools only send the final grade for a year-long, two-semester course. So you can work your butt off so the final grade is a B. And even if your school reports both semesters, all the colleges will see is one semester C, second semester A–a slow start, strong finish. </p>

<p>Ditto the sentiment to take it down a notch. If you are characterizing a bad semester grade in sophomore year as “epic fail[ure],” you are setting yourself up to be a mess-o-nerves or worse before it’s all over. You will make mistakes and face more setbacks. That’s part of life. Learning how to recover and move on is one of the greatest things you can learn while you’re still in high school.</p>

<p>yeah i know its just sophomore year guys, but im just concerned! :)</p>

<p>am i supposed to explain this grade on my application?</p>

<p>I’d figure that out in 2 years when you actually apply</p>