am i strong candidate for cc?

1st SAT score: 710, 710, 700(CR, M, Writing)
2nd SAT: 640, 740, 800
Super: 2250
PSAT 223(PSAT semi finalist cutline: 218 in Oregon-didn't become semi finalist because I am a noncitizen :-( )</p>

Math II:800
Physics: 730</p>

<p>AP bio 5(frosh-self taught)
AP Calc AB 5(soph)
AP CALC BC 5(junior)
AP Chem 5(junior)
AP Physics C Mechanic 4(junior)</p>

<p>Our school is 2nd in state, nationally recognized school-top 2% national
Classes(1st semester/2nd semester): <em>=weighted class
Pre calc</em>(skipped Adv algebra) A, A
Biology A,A
English A, A-
Social study A,A
Advanced Communication Skill A
Concert band A,A
Spanish 1 A,A</p>


<p>Eng B,B
Honors chem* A,A
Symphonic band A(1st)
Wind Ensemble A(2nd)
Spanish 2 A,A+
Physics A,A
US History A,A
Lifetime health A
Lifetime sports A</p>


<p>Eng B,B
Wind Ensemble A, A
AP Calc BC* A,A
Spanish 3 A,A-
AP Physics* B,A
AP Chem* A,A
American Contemporary world A-,B+</p>

<p>Current Classes
Wind Ensemble
Health Issue(one semester)</p>

<p>I came here like 4 yrs ago as a non native speaker.</p>


<p>National Honors Society(soph~current)</p>

<p>Wind Ensemble(since soph)</p>

<p>All State Band member(junior and this year qualified twice)</p>

<p>Junior Statesmen of America(soph~now)</p>

<p>4 years of President, and a founder of Math Club </p>

<p>Science Bowl Member(junior~current)</p>

<p>PSI internship(medical internship)</p>

<p>Music, culinary volunteer in rehabilitation center for 152 hrs.</p>

<p>Spanish Honors Society</p>

<p>Speech and debate(since junior)</p>

Sala Kryszek State Writing competition grand prize
Honors Mention(3.5+ unweighted GPA for all years)
Honorable mention in USA Mathematical Talent Search
Speech and Debate 2nd in state, 1st in district(LIEBIELL)
Varsity letter of Wind Ensemble
AP scholar distiction(too common but...)
Qualified score for National chem olympiad(52/60)-'stellar' as an exam coordinator told me.
Questbridge prep scholar</p>

<p>*LieBiell=Literary Interpretation for Beginning and Intermediate English Language Learners(like 5 min version of prose/poetry for non native speakers)</p>

AMC 12A 102(........)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.85
Weighted: 4.11.</p>

<p>-my town has little or no support in math/science activity</p>

<p>Are these enough to be considered strong for CC ?
I will pursue the scholarship in CC</p>

<p>if your not, I don’t know who is?</p>

<p>^sarcastic? </p>

<p>can you explain? I know CC is super duper Ivy Level but definitely not a safety</p>

<p>No not sarcastic, your stats are terrific. My son has applied EA for CC and your stats are better then his. I think you should have no problem getting in, I don’t know anything about financial aid so that I can’t comment on but you do have an impressive resume. The nice thing about CC is that they truly are holistic in their approach. If my son gets in it will be because of the whole package he presents. His GPA and SAT’s are good but not stellar, his essays are stellar and his recommendations are great, he interviewed, and has terrific work and volunteer experience so we will see. Good luck to you</p>

<p>You have hella sick stats, you’re in.</p>


<p>@paul2752‌ I know this post is almost a year old, but may I ask which college you are currently attending? </p>

<p>U of Alabama. I got full tuition :-)</p>


<p>@paul2752‌ How did you do with CC? Did you get accepted?</p>

<p>I alreasy wrote that i got rejected…</p>

<p>@paul2752 I am applying early decision 1 this fall and my academic achievements are no where near as extensive as yours. I am beginning to worry about whether I even have a chance of being accepted if you were rejected. Did you visit the school at all? Interview? Commit early decision? I just don’t understand how you did not get accepted… certainly discouraging for me… any info you have would be awesome. thanks</p>

<p>Applying as a foreigner who needs FA drastically affects the chance negatively…
If you have scores at least 610+ in SAT(vast majority of applicants have that score) and decent GPA, some significant awards and nice essays about block plan, I don’t see why it’s not worth applying :-)</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the response. I didn’t realize that you were a foreign student an I’m sure that played into the decision A LOT. Congrats on BAMA! Roll tide </p>