Chances for Colorado College?? (Econ)

CT public high school
3.8 unweighted through junior yr (4.5 scale)
4.15 weighted through junior yr
All honors classes throughout high school
APs (junior): Physics I (3 on exam) and US history (5 on exam)
APs (senior): Calculus AB, English Literature, Government and Politics, Economics (Macro and Micro), Environmental Science
SAT (one test): 1520 (1600), 23/24 on essay
Subject test: US history (750), Math II (pending)
Extracurricular: Intramural basketball all 4 years (captain of team senior year), Boy Scouts (Eagle Scout and had top leadership role in troop), job at pizza restaurant (junior and senior year), also became heavily involved with campaigning w/ democratic party for a local election this year

Please let me know!

Well I’m certain these chancing threads are completely useless but since you took the time to post I’d be happy to reply even if my response is of limited to no value :slight_smile:

I’m not familiar with a 4.5 scale. A 3.8/4 UW would certainly be a strong GPA with the rigor you have taken but I guess I’m not sure what your grades look like based on 3.8/4.5. Your standardized tests look really strong, and your ECs, job, and community service indicate lots of involvement outside of the classroom.

The RD round is pretty tough at CC to say the least so its a reach for anyone and a super reach for most. Your chances are better if you wrote strong answers to the supplemental questions, if you showed that you “get” the block plan and if you are a good fit for CC. Degree of financial need can be a factor for admissions, so keep that in mind as well.

If CC really is a top choice I hope you have demonstrated strong interest and have interviewed on campus or with an alumni rep. Also hoping you have put lots of thought into your final college list. You should have some great options in hand by March if you have applied to a range of reaches, matches and likelies. Best of luck to you this spring!