Am I the only one that finds these disturbing?

Except those older buildings don’t have the capacity to support that many A/Cs. I have to believe that if the universities could put in window A/Cs, they would, and then charge more for R&B.

@gouf78 I would suggest that you are making an uninformed assumption. Just because exceptions are made, it doesn’t mean the rule has no merit.

It’s analogous to requesting a single. They can’t handle all requests so priority goes to those with demonstrated need.

There was a fire over the weekend in a Boston University dorm from a student ignoring the rules and using a candle. Probably thought the rules didn’t apply to her. She put her and her neighbor’s lives in jeopardy.

200k in damages. Students displaced. How stupid.
This magnifies @BrianBoiler’s original point.

How do folks feel about the relatively common suggestion to find textbooks “online and DL them”. Isn’t that a copyright violation? I know textbooks are crazy expensive but I am not sure how to feel or respond to that advice.

Most of the online versions I’ve seen are from the publisher and are legitimate. If they are someone’s scanned version I think you are violating the copyright, but the ones from the publisher are ok.

The refrigerator Microwave combo units have a singular plug,.they are not just microwaves attatched to a refrigerator.