<p>Hopefully somebody on here can help me. My parents have been pushing me to set myself up for AP State Scholar in Hawaii so they tried to get me to take a BUNCH of AP tests my junior year (never taken any before).</p>
<p>I studied really hard and the ones I took as classes I got As in. Now, my parents are making me pay them for all the study books and AP test fees because I let them down. They seem to think I didn't try and just gave up but I am just not as smart as they think I am. </p>
<p>They are telling me I will be lucky to get into a Community College because these tests will scar my standardized testing record and my GPA, because now grade inflation may be suspected. Is there anything I can tell them to convince them otherwise?</p>
<p>After I took the tests I felt fine, not this bad, but not like I got straight 5s like some of you guys on here. I thought I at least PASSED, so I don't know if it would help to ask for a rescore or anything like that. I took 7 tests and only passed 1 of them...with a friggin three too. This is so embarrassing. Everyone in my class is going to destroy me in the fall because they thought I was trying to be a "hotshot" and now didn't even pass the ones I took classes for. </p>
<p>Chinese (self-study): 3 NATIVE SPEAKER?? I thought it was kinda hard but I thought I squeaked out a 5 for sure.</p>
<p>Calculus BC (self-study): 1 My class was only AB so the BC self study was obviously not effective, but I guessed I would squeeze out a 3, 2 at worst (it was pretty hard).</p>
<p>Calculus AB sub: 2 The AB material I thought I had down pat, felt pretty solid (guessed a 4 at worst). Most my friends in the class got 5s on the AB test, the one were supposed to take for the course.</p>
<p>US History: 2 My teacher was really bad, but I read the entire textbook on my own, and felt like I knew all the material pretty well. I thought I definitely rocked the Nixon DBQ, I read over tons of relevant info the night before in Princeton Review. I was guessing on the cusp of a 4 or 5.</p>
<p>US Gov (self-study): 1 I read about so much government in US History I figured I could just do minimal self-study on more targeted areas and pull out an easy 5. I guess I can blame myself for not starting more than a few weeks of study ahead of time. The material was much more comprehensive than US History, in terms of politics. After the test I felt like a pulled off a 3 or 4, but I guess my BS wasn't that good.</p>
<p>Chemistry: 1 I took the class and got an A. The FRQs were brutal but the curve didn't help me out AT ALL. What makes me mad is that this wasn't even a self-study. My teacher will be so shocked, I think she thought I was going to get a 4. I thought this was definitely the hardest test I took, but not 1 worthy.</p>
<p>English Language: 2 WHAT THE ****? This was so easy. My teacher was amazing and I have talked to six people and they have all gotten 5s. She prepared us so well and after the test I told my parents that I got a 5 on English at least for sure. </p>
<p>Computer Science A (self-study): 2 This I expected because I read this forum online that said the test was in C++ (which I already knew) so my parents told me to take the exam. Didn't study at all, and when I got there I realized it was in Java (when I saw the directions). My FRQ syntax was wayyy off, I guess I was able to manage myself enough on the MC to get a 2 at least.</p>
<p>My entire work money this summer is just paying back debt for these tests I didn't want to even take. This is extremely unfair.</p>