AMA: Recent Texas Tech Media Comm, Honors College, Undergrad AND Graduate Grad

I recently graduated from Texas Tech with a Masters in Media and Communication.

One year before I graduated with an Bachelors in Media and Communication with honors.

I loved my Texas Tech experience and would love to answer any questions from perspective Raiders or their parents! Respond below, and I’ll get back with you as quickly as possible.

Hello, I just got the scholarship/ financial aid package. I was wondering when the other scholarships will be distributed. I have received the automatic scholarships, the ones that come from grades/scores. What about the scholarships we wrote essays for?when will those be distributed?

“I recently graduated from Texas Tech with a Masters in Media and Communication.” - Just out of curiosity do you know or did you take any classes with Dr. Gring?

Hi there! I’m planning on graduating early from HS in December 2015, so I could attend Tech in the spring semester. So my 2 questions are: how cold does it get in Lubbock on mid January? My next question is where else would be a good studying area other then the library? Wreckem

Aurelio97: First, congratulations on your scholarships! That really depends on your college. The scholarships I received through my college would often not be distributed until a couple of days before tuition was due. It always made it a little stressful for me. Just make sure that you have completed any requirements to receive your scholarship, and you should be fine. Mine required I write a thank you note to the person or persons who donated money to the endowment funding my scholarships. I never had a problem not receiving a scholarship I was offered, but if you are worried, following up with the University scholarship office (if it’s a university scholarship) or the college’s scholarship office (if it’s from a college) couldn’t hurt.
Also, if you already paid your tuition, you will be reimbursed in the amount of your scholarship with student refund. No worries!

franko1510: Nope. Actually, I don’t think I’ve heard of a Dr. Gring.

joe574: Wreck 'Em right back at you! Welcome to the Red Raider family (you will love it!).

First question: Pretty darn cold. Incidentally, I just went through old Facebook posts last week. One was of me complaining about the 16 degree weather we had that week (freak storm, but it can happen). I suggest you be prepared for anything. Before leaving for college, I invested in a down-filled heavy coat that kept me warm and toasty. If you can afford it, I highly recommend getting one. Layering leggings or thermals under jeans and wearing multiple socks helped out a lot too. Overall, the winter can be pretty mild, but there are always those freak weeks.

Second question: Lots of places! University has a Starbucks that I went to all the time - especially in winter for the hot chocolate. The SUB (student union) has study rooms you can reserve. Most dorms have study rooms as well. I also enjoyed going to Fuzzies to take advantage of their free WiFi and cheap food for a change of pace. If you like studying outside, I recommend the “garden” in front of the West Hall visitor’s center. It has lots of old architectural molding pieces to sit on and big trees to be in the shade.

I hope you love Tech! I certainly did!

Hi! I am a junior in high school right now and I want to get into the honors college more than anything. I would like to double major in political science and fashion design and possibly minor in dramatic writing. I have a 3.8 unweighted and a 4.1 weighted gpa. My SAT was a 1730 (but I am retaking it). I have had an internship on a political campaign, a few jobs, have been/am on board of many clubs, work at a summer camp for homeless and shelter kids, and am in honors choir (I have performed with a professional choir ensemble). I also believe I would be able to get good recommendation letters and I already have a recommendation letter from when I worked on the political campaign (for Sylvester Turner, Houston’s new mayor). Is there any possible chance I would qualify for the honors college? Thank you so much!