scholarship notification

<p>My son was reading and it looks like scholarships will be announced in March??? That seems rather late!!! Baylor has already given him $17,000 in scholarships and we should hear about a few others in a month. And the 900 dollars you are supposed to sent into TCU is nonrefundable. So I won't send that in unless he decides TCU for sure. I thought I read on here that some people got notification of scholarships in December or am I dreaming that?</p>

<p>Momknowsbest3- I was about to ask the same question. I know that the Chancellor’s Scholarship notifies you in January or so (the interview weekend is in February). A friend of mine (a current TCU freshman) said he heard about scholarships a few weeks after his acceptance. Also, does anyone know when we find out about getting into the Honors College?</p>

<p>Isn’t deposit to Tcu due May 1 like everybody else?</p>

<p>Last year, my daughter received her merit scholarship offer in the same packet as her acceptance to the university. She received it the day before Thanksgiving. Not sure how they are doing it this year as D2 is still waiting.</p>

<p>TCU page says that for the Chancellor’s Scholarship, semi-finalists are notified in January, and then go to an interview weekend in February. I’m not sure about the other scholarships though.</p>

<p>I recently talked to my admissions councelor about this and she told me that scholarship notification would go out between mid January till about mid March.
This may sound late, but they don’t practice first come first serve. When you pay the deposit at any time before May 1st, your name is added to a list. Starting at the beginning of summer they will let you choose housing preferences and they try and accommodate everyone.</p>

<p>Scholarship was posted to my daughter’s my TCU account today.</p>

<p>Dean’s scholarship was posted on my D’s account today. :D</p>

<p>where was it posted? On the main page?</p>

<p>Under Financial Aid.</p>

<p>hippie- Thank you! I got the Dean’s…very happy right now!</p>

<p>My son got the Deans scholarship and invitation to interview
for Chancellors scholarship in February!
So excited!! Good luck to all!</p>

<p>I received a Dean’s scholarship as well! </p>

<p>@Anxiousparents How/Where did you see about the Chancellor’s scholarship?</p>

It was a link under admissions in his
“My TCU” account. It wasn’t the easiest to find. It says “Chancellor’s Scholars Weekend”. Everyone look under that too. You may also have the invite! Good luck!</p>

<p>Anxiousparents: Thanks for the info. Found the link…and my D has been invited to the Chancellor’s weekend in February also. Good Luck to your son…I haven’t told my D yet…she is in bed but can’t wait to tell her in the morning!!!</p>

<p>Thanks Anxiousparents!! I was invited as well!! This is so amazing!!</p>

<p>I see where my son was invited to interview for Chancellor’s Scholarship, but do not see anything about Deans Scholarship. Where is that at, unless maybe he didn’t get that?</p>

<p>drumbonemom: click on the link financial aid in your My TCU account. It should be there.</p>

<p>Thanks Crittermom! Still not seeing it so perhaps I misinterpreted the Chancellors scholarship thing and it is something on everyone’s page. Maybe it is something you’re supposed to click on if you get informed some other way. Truthfully, I didn’t really see my son qualifying for that one. Was hoping for some scholarship, of course! Guess we wait and see what turns up and will re-check on home computer rather than mobile where everything is more difficult to maneuver. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Drumbonemom: I couldn’t find it when I checked my phone…could also be because my eyes are going bad!!!
When you click on the Chancellors link on your account you will see an invite. It asks you to click which days you can come or not and whom will be joining you. D also got am e-mail disscussing the weekend and what to tell school, where to stay etc…
Hope that helps…Good Luck! :)</p>