<p>Lets say there are 50 points total. If I leave blank, I'm automatically down to a 48, however, if I guess and get both wrong, I'm down to a 48.5! Does this mean that guessing gives and getting something wrong "gives" you more points than leaving i black? Or maybe my values are just off.........</p>
<p>If you get both wrong you have a 47.5.</p>
<p>They say that it's +1 for getting it right, +0 for blank, and -1/4 for wrong. </p>
<p>BUT look at it this way. If you're counting down, it's +0 for getting it right, -1 for leaving it blank, and -1.25 for getting it wrong. </p>
<p>Missing 2 gets you 47.5; leaving them blank gets you a 48.</p>
<p>But they round up so a 47.5 is equal to 48 score out of 800 wise</p>