AMCAS ~ recalculated GPA

Ok, I know that after the med school app is submitted, GPA is recalculated.

So, med schools see the new recalculated GPAs…not the one that an undergrad gives.

But…I’m guessing that the med schools see the actual grades right? If a school uses pluses and minues, the med schools see those?

Bio 1 A-
Chem II B+

or would they see something else with the recalculation?

AMCAS doesn’t reformat/change grades. Grades are sent to adcomms in the same format as they appear on the student’s transcript.

ok…thanks !! @WayOutWestMom

So, I’m guessing that when the applicant’s info is sent to his med schools, his recalculated GPAs (science and cum) get sent, and also a copy of the student’s school’s transcript, which still shows the school’s GPA, which isn’t really used.

Ooops! I was wrong.

p. 39 AMCAS 2016 Instruction Manual

AMCAS grades do include +/- grading, except for A+ (which is not allowed).

AMCAS also marks also grades as to whether they were verified without correct/verified with correction/listed on application but not on transcript/listed on transcript but not on application/not verifiable by AMCAS (e.g. grades from foreign institutions).

So, is then AMCAS doesn’t just recalculate the GPA, but they do some adjustments to what’s on the transcript?

AMCAS doesn’t touch the student’s transcript. Transcript aren’t forwarded to med schools.

AMCAS “standardizes” how grades appear on the student’s application.

Apparently their purpose to make head-to-head comparisons easier.