<p>I will be a freshman in the fall of 2014. I am majoring in chemistry through the Letters and Science department (not the college of chemistry if it makes a difference in your answer!) I have been reading about the AC requirement, and I was wondering what other people have taken. Should I take something from within the Letters and Science department to work towards my units, or should I just take something for an easy A? I have heard that there is an Anthropology course that is fairly easy, taught by Lightfoot. Any help would be greatly appreciated! GO BEARS!</p>
<p>Lots of courses fulfill the AC requirement (mostly with the AC suffix on their course numbers, although some courses do not have the AC suffix). The AC course can also fulfill other requirements, such as the L&S 7-course breadth requirement (or the CoC humanities and social studies requirement if you switch to the CoC).</p>
<p>For an L&S chemistry major, your first semester courses should probably be along the lines of about 13-17 units from the following:
- Chemistry 4A
- Chemistry 96 (1 unit seminar)
- Math, depending on your placement (AP scores: 3 or higher = credit for Math 1A, 5 on BC = credit for Math 1A and 1B; check old final exams at <a href=“Mathematics Courses - Tau Beta Pi, California Alpha Chapter”>https://tbp.berkeley.edu/courses/math/</a> before deciding whether to skip).
- Physics 7A, optional if you are in a math course more advanced than 1A.
- R&C (if needed; AP scores: 4 or higher on English language or literature = credit for R&C A; 5 on English literature = credit for R&C A and B), foreign language (if needed), or breadth/AC course(s)</p>
<p>More L&S chemistry information here:
<a href=“http://chemistry.berkeley.edu/student_info/undergrad_info/degree_programs/chem_major/chemistry_ba.php”>http://chemistry.berkeley.edu/student_info/undergrad_info/degree_programs/chem_major/chemistry_ba.php</a></p>
<p>The suggested course plan for the CoC chemistry major, which has more upper division chemistry courses, is here:
<a href=“http://chemistry.berkeley.edu/student_info/undergrad_info/degree_programs/chem_major/index.php”>http://chemistry.berkeley.edu/student_info/undergrad_info/degree_programs/chem_major/index.php</a></p>