American Idol Auditions

<p>Sitting at the American Idol auditions waiting for my daughter. Best people watching ever! A lot of what not to wear for college auditions. Quite the scene!</p>

<p>Big fun… I hope both of you have a great experience and have some great stories to share!</p>

<p>One of my D’s good friends made it to Hollywood last season! So exciting! My D was at BTP when auditions were in town… Or I’m sure we would have tried it too! Have a great time! I know the mom and D we know had a marvelous time through the crazy process!</p>

<p>My D actually won the American Idol Experience at Disney and has a Golden Ticket (kinda like a Fast Pass). It just moves her to the front of the line. Doesn’t guarantee much else. Haven’t used it yet. If we don’t, it is transferable. Maybe we’ll give to a charity for an auction…</p>