American University Class of 2027 Official Thread

Can’t remember. Is there a language requirement?

Only for certain majors. SIS and foreign language majors require them, a majority do not.

Freshmen housing question - is there any housing placements advantages to depositing in early April vs regular May 1 deadline? It’s unclear and can’t seem to get a clear answer.

Housing page says the housing portal opens April 4 for students that have deposited already but just seems to complete housing questionnaire, and closes May 8.

Then: “You’ll be assigned a timeslot (the time you can begin to select your room) between June 5-June 14, 2023. The earliest timeslots are given to Early Decision students and then all regular decision students are randomly assigned a timeslot.”

This data is for 2021 admissions. Is there data for 2022?

Depositing early gives students “priority” in the selection process. So the earlier they deposit, the earlier they get to pick their rooms. So since ED students deposit first, they get first priority. Then from there RD students get priority based on their deposit date.

The most recent CDS is here:

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Oh wow! Fine for ED students, but I don’t like that they do this before accepted students day for RD students. Turns me off the school!!!


Agreed. My son is taking his time to make a thoughtful, careful decision. There should not be a negative repercussion for that.


And there isn’t. All students are guaranteed housing. And since there’s only two types of dorms to choose from, it’s really a false sense of priority.


Keep in mind that the reason AU does this is because, unlike other schools, they guarantee housing for freshmen. So regardless of when a student deposits, they will get a room. It’s also a false sense of priority intended to attract students to apply ED since 70ish percent of freshmen live in the same type of room anyway. There’s only two options for them to choose from.

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Can students transfer between schools or only majors within their accepted school?

Students are accepted to the entire university, meaning they can change majors/minors between schools without having to reapply.


Our son was accepted into the Global Scholars Program. Anyone else on this thread in that program? It seems wonderful, but also intense going to full time for three years without a break. He is graduating from an IB high school that has an emphasis on global relations and constructive engagement of conflict.

I’d recommend your son reach out to his admissions officer and see if he can get in contact with someone in the program. AU connects prospective students with current students to get to know different programs: Contact | American University, Washington, DC.

ED students DO get priority in housing. However for RD students it DOES NOT matter when you sign up for housing. It’s random as long as you sign up by that date in May.

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Apparently AU acceptance rate for this year is 44%. Do you happen to know the RD rate vs the ED rate?

AU typically doesn’t publish ED/RD numbers until the Common Data Set comes out. An admissions officer may be able to say, but typically it’s about a 70% AR for ED and 30% for RD. Taking into account that a substantially fewer amount of students apply ED, of course. Typically about a third of an incoming class is ED.

Can anyone speak to the quality of the psychology department at AU? With so many resources focused on International affairs and political science, we are wondering what the landscape is there for kids who are interested in other things.

Psychology is one of the largest programs in AU’s College of Arts and Sciences, especially given that STEM is the largest growing discipline of study at AU. There’s about 300-400 students in the undergrad psych program, I’d recommend your student reach out to their admissions officer to talk to a current student in the program. Also check out the post-grad info for psych grads: We Know Success: Where AU Grads Land

Any one who knows when will AU release it’s waitlist decisions. I mean till when.
Anyone who’s offered a spot from waitlist?