American University Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

You mean when you entered your AUID and name, birthday it took you to a page to enter your phone number instead of a page to create a password?

Yeah it was to verify my identity or something?

That’s so weird. Mine automatically verified and then asked me to create a password (which I am afraid to do.)

Yeah I was afraid to enter it or anything
 Wednesday couldn’t come sooner

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Good luck to everyone waiting.


Good luck to everyone, today! It’s an exciting, nerve-racking day for many.
Let’s hope that the batches are close together and don’t keep some applicants waiting too long!
Congrats to all who are accepted, but if it isn’t meant to be, there is something else great waiting around the corner!!


Ok I blamed you when I told my husband I tried the back door! Told him I wasn’t the only Mom tracking this stuff!

Haha. Sorry. What happened when you tried?

Just checked and decision letter is posted for our daughter.

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Daughter just accpeted! Was looking for merit info but it was not mentioned in the letter. Does anyone know where it would be? Would it be in the letter if we were offered merit?



Merit was indicated in the body of DS’s letter. If you also applied for financial aid, you will see the full package if you keep scrolling down the document past the letter.

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Son just accepted with 15,000/year:) It was in the letter. Congrats to all admitted!


DS was accepted, OOS, excited!
3.93 weighted GPA
Major: Political Science


My S also accepted! Big sigh of relief as this was his top choice

 No merit mentioned either, so I assume that means nothing was awarded

For those who track stats:
Major: International Studies
SAT 1420
GPA 3.6 UW / 4.5 W
6 AP classes (all 4’s so far), lots of Honors
Probably below average ECs
Probably above average essays
Visited from midwest, did some virtual stuff
Full pay


waitlisted :frowning:

YES!!! Accepted!


Accepted with $25,000 of aid (merit, grants and fed loan)

Applied Test Optional
3.55 UW 4.25 W GPA
8 APS, the rest mostly GT/honors
Lots of ECs


My daughter’s decision is on there (OOS) but she’s in class and won’t open it. Dying.

My daughter got in OOS Northeast into the Cornerstone Program. She’s thrilled. $39000 merit.



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