Is it true americans rank grades like this?:
100-90 (A)
89-80 (B)
79-70 (C)
69-60 (D)
its werid cause canadians do it like this:
100-80 A
79-70 B
69-60 C
59- 50 D
49- F
Is it true americans rank grades like this?:
100-90 (A)
89-80 (B)
79-70 (C)
69-60 (D)
its werid cause canadians do it like this:
100-80 A
79-70 B
69-60 C
59- 50 D
49- F
<p>bump yo......................</p>
<p>bump yo........</p>
<p>It varies for each school. My school uses this:
100-90 (A)
89-80 (B)
79-75 (C)
74-70 (D)
<p>But, I've seen this in other areas:
100-90 (A)
89-80 (B)
79-70 (C)
69-60 (D)
<p>My schooll:
94-100 A
93-82 B
81-75 C
74-69 D
68- F</p>
<p>90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
Below 60? That's an E. We don't do F's for some reason.</p>
<p>Sometimes teachers will round a 89.5 up, or a 79.5, etc etc</p>
<p>93-100 A
89-80 B range
79-70 C range
69-60 D range
Below 60 F</p>
<p>My school has + and -'s but no A+</p>
<p>our grade ranking system is only weird to you becuz its different than yours. if u ask me ours makes more sense...10 point difference for each grade, while yours has 80-100 as A and then the rest are in tens 70-80 and 60-70, just my opinion</p>
<p>I would say yours is weird. It seems a lot easier to get an A. But what do I know I'm here in the U.S. Also my school's grading system is like apiecofwire.</p>
<p>my school does it like yanners' does, except we have "F", not "E"</p>
<p>Also, we don't deal in + or - just get a numerical grade on your report card</p>
<p>This is an interesting topic! </p>
<p>For schools that consider 90-100=A, how common is a 90 and how common is a 100?</p>
<p>its just that in Canada we get more work. Also our marking scheme is harder.. especially cine Im at St. Andrews College. the best school in canada</p>
<p>LaurenP88 - A's are not extremely common at my school--few people get above a 95 in most Honors/AP classes (with some exceptions). Most people get B's or C's in my school and those who get As are mostly in the 90-94 range.</p>
<p>i know how it is like,i spent 9-11 in canada and 12 in america. I noticed how easy it was to get an A in highschool in america, and i was weirded out since i remember people who got As in canada were geniuses. If you thinking of applying to american universities, watch out since its very hard for them to understand what could be average for american highschool, could be great for canadian.</p>
<p>My school does the typical (or what I think of as typical):
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C</p>
<p>But we don't have Ds. Anything below 70 is failing. It would be a lot more convenient for the college admissions process if the American grading scale was standardized across the nation.</p>
<p>99-100 A+
95-98 A
93-94 A-
91-92 B+
87-90 B
85-86 B-
83-84 C+
79-82 C
77-78 C-
84-85 C+</p>
<p>Weird, huh? I'll spare you the explination of our GPA... it's on 12 points UW, 13 W. It's like trying to understand American Tax policy.</p>
i know how it is like,i spent 9-11 in canada and 12 in america. I noticed how easy it was to get an A in highschool in america, and i was weirded out since i remember people who got As in canada were geniuses. If you thinking of applying to american universities, watch out since its very hard for them to understand what could be average for american highschool, could be great for canadian.
I'm sure there are easy and difficult schools in both countries. </p>
<p>Regarding the topic, my school's grading system was exactly how the original poster describes(100-90=A, 89-80=B, etc.).</p>
<p>i heard rumors that in america, there is a serious problem with mark inflation, and that it is way easier than in Canada to get over 90. But then, I haven't been to america (only canada), so i don't know. </p>
<p>in my school tho, most people's averages are in their 80s, and my school is one of the top schools in canada (top in alberta, old scona academic high school). In each grade, there are about 10~25 people who have 90s, out of about 110 people.</p>
<p>like for example, we have this one guy that came from America last year. He said he went to Charlottesville High School or something,,,can't remember the exact name of the school but it's in Virginia. In America, he got like all these awards for straight A's and academic excellence, but in our school, he's marks are below average (like...low~mid 80s).</p>
<p>How competitive is Virginia anyway?</p>
<p>just wondering.......</p>
<p>how do you know St. Andrews College the best school in Canada? Did they actually do a ranking nationally? cuz I only saw high school rankings for each province (by fraser valley institute). To be honest though (no offense, im not saying that St. Andrews College is a bad school, it's probably an excellent school), I strongly doubt that St. Andrews College is the best, because that school doesn't excel in any contests. To be the best high school in Canada, shouldn't your school be the top or close to the top in most national competitions, and have some bright students that go to olympiads?</p>
<p>Or is it just that you are really proud of your own school? Cuz I would say my school is one of the top, if not the top school in Canada also. hahahahahah :P:P</p>