Amherst 2025 ED Discussion

We all received an email earlier this week that decisions are coming out tomorrow at 6:21 EST!

I know but they sent out another reminder to my counselor today which is sort of weird

Ohh, got it. Yes, that is weird, as far as I know my counselor hasn’t received anything!

I’m an international student so it’s different for me, no ACT score on transcript. I don’t think it should matter, my scores are in the common app but I did also submit them in the portal and there’s no writing score to include there. Less than a day left now!!

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My counselor hasn’t received anything either

Ohh right right sorry I misread the ACT part; just thought it was the school transcripts :frowning:

How’s the anxiety Mammoths ? Less than 18 hrs to go.


it’s killing me

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Are you guys able to schedule classes from the course scheduler? I am not able to access the dropbox or anything but it just started to let me schedule courses.

Same thing happened 2 years ago to a kid who was rejected. Doesn’t mean anything either way, just a weird thing in their system. Only 18 more hours and you will get your answser.

Good luck.

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Yeah, I read it in the chat above. Hopefully, I’m not rejected :grimacing: But, can everyone do that?

I think so, it works for me too. Like you read above, it doesn’t mean anything, their system just seems to let everyone do that.
Don’t worry too much about it–16 hours to go now!


Here’s a last :+1: to everyone who’s shared my uneasiness through the week. Let’s see what tomorrow holds.

P.s - Amherst class of '25 has the coolest people imo.


Guys any tips on falling asleep (or trying to) tonight? (different time zone) :sob:

Anxiety generator
My counselor told me she received an email from amherst an hour or two ago, telling her about basic statistics of this year’s ED info. like the total amount of people and this year’s admission rates. Seems like all decisions are done and we are just waiting for disclosure. Good luck everyone!


I know it is too late to change it, but even though I didn’t send any SAT or ACT scores( self-reported or official), it is ticked in my portal as received. How could that be possible?

On financial aid portal mine says ‘Interest earned and asset documentation’, with the status as ‘not received’. But there’s no ‘upload now!’ section so there isn’t a way i can send anything. Any advice ?

@Nate20021209 is it possible to input the info here?


For mine it was ticked as ‘Waived’ with a grey arrow instead of green

Could you send the info here? Just out of interest!