Amherst 2025 ED Discussion

Bro how did you upload the finances without the portal ?

Whatcha mean, I submitted my ED application though coalition a while back but other than that I havnt heard anything

You needed to upload the Financial documents supporting your application or your CSS (If you applied for aid) and that’s possible only with a portal

Yes, it’s required if you want financial aid, however I believe there won’t be any repercussions if you upload your documents later – after all, Amherst is need blind, so they won’t be taking your financial status into consideration while making a decision. I uploaded my documents about 3 weeks late because I misunderstood something, and they were still okay with it. So, you’ll definitely need to upload financial aid documents through the portal sometime, but it probably won’t hinder your chances at getting an acceptance.

Bro I’ve looked it up a lot and the idea is pretty much as follows:

If youre int’l , divide it by 5

If you want need based aid, divide by stg between 2-5 (not the case for Amherst of course)

For example I’m from Turkey and need around %90 aid to be able to afford the school, therefore my chances are 25 times lower



Bro Int’l students have a tough time in the U.S - I don’t condone this racism.

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I’m Kazakh, so we’re in a way brothers :slight_smile: Anyway, I don’t agree with what you said about 25 times lower; at Amherst, your financial situation has no effect on your chance to get in. I don’t know about the 5 times lower business though…

Hey guys, does anyone else’s financial aid portal look funny?

Yeah, mine’s changed. I wonder if that’s declined or accepted lol

Mine too.

Doubt its either. Its probably just them processing everyone’s info into the system.


Has anyone noticed all of the typos on the page, the thing on the right said ‘Ahert college’ and if you click on the Financial Aid | Offices & Departments | Amherst College link on the bottom right it takes you to ‘http://www.amherst.eud/~finaid’.

Seems like it was made in a rush haha

Hey brother!

Sorry I meant that but wasn’t clear in my writing - you’re exactly right about the ×5 stuff regarding Amherst

Başarılar kardeşim. Ben de Azerbaycandan başvuruyorum. İnşallah kazanırız:)

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My parents : The internet is a very dangerous place with very bad people

The internet :


Aaaaaandddd the portal changed

What? The ASP? Mine is the same as it was before.

really? Mine has all the paragraphs taken out, there’s only the checklist

Yes, my paragraphs seem to have taken a vacation too.

Mine hasn’t changed : /

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