Amherst 2025 ED Discussion

Also, notice the change of URL. Before it was /status, now /admitstatus.

yep, same for me

I wouldn’t read too much into this though, page change might come rolling, or in the worst case, our pages might actually tell something about our admissions chances – but whether that’s something good or bad, we’ll only find out later.


I’m pretty sure it’s rolling, they’ll update your pages as the decision time comes closer and closer. Make sure to update us!

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Mine hasn’t changed at all

Forgive me if I go sherlock again lmaoooo

I think a lot of portals have sort of been sloppily done this year, and if you check a2c and the stanford thread, apparently theres a big theory about the address line, update tab, etc, going on rn.

I have 3 theories.

1: Most Likely: This is rolling, and y’all’s portals will be updated soon enough, whether its by region, by decision, whatever.
And then 2 conspiracy theories. It could be possible that me and mirror are the chumps, because not accessing all of the FAP and paragraphs might be a bad thing.
Or the other possibility is that this is a good thing.

Regardless, good luck at 6:21. Rooting for all of you. For some reason I feel like i’ve formed a personal connection with mirror, rj, and free lmao :joy:


Let’s hope that everyone’s portal gets updated cause the latter is too stress inducing. I still hope that sum good will happen to us all, especially my bois @Mirrorshard, @sumgood, @Freebagss and @ajsolum. Either way, nothing’s stopping me from getting a PS5 this Christmas.


Yes, I’m crossing my fingers for all of us :slight_smile: This was a wild ride but I enjoyed it a lot. I feel like we’ve made one of the best communities of Ed applicants, and it’d be a joy to have some of you as roommates, especially sumgood and RJ :wink: I think I’ll try to go sleep two hours until the results now, I’m pretty glad it’s finally me who sees the weird stuff after all the things we’ve literally investigated, even though I’m not sure of it’s meaning at all. Good luck to everybody here! :slight_smile: and see you all soon!


Guys, my portal changed! The URL changed and the paragraphs are gone. Also, I wish the absolute best for all of you, hope that we will all be on campus next year <3


Dude either you’re a genious about to be admitted or you’re a secret AO.

This amount of knowledge can’t be explained otherwise lol.


lets get it fr


My application portal didn’t change yet… I kind of feel down… it is fine tho :confused:

Mine hasn’t changed either - No issues with that - All gonna be good

Yea me as well. Don’t read too much into it. Only an hour to go now :()


Where due you see Ivies and uchicago saying an increase in EA/ED apps?

Yep, same. And the page is now titled “Decision Portal” on my browser tab…

and accepted!! thnx for sharing this.


Hope all you international students up in the middle of the night are doing ok!


Phew people - never ever have I sweated so much in such a cold whether.

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Can’t even spell cause of my anxiety lmao