Amherst 2025 ED Discussion

Wait where specifically in the application portal?

Do you mean beside the ‘Hello XXX!’?

I am starting to become severely worried now.

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Wow! That’s a big clue :). Not seeing that.

All strikes me as a strange (sloppy?) way for AC to disseminate info though.

Same dude same

Wait could you explain specifically where in the portal?

Hello lmao?

Or maybe it changes after the email is sent?

Dude my anxiety is gonna kill me ong

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ngl this seems like a really weird way for amherst to send out info. I’m just hoping that this is by region.


@Dave19003 - Bro I don’t see anything on my portal - you’re probably accepted

Where are you from?

I’m international so, probably coming out on Decision Day? Idk

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Amherst is trolling us all lmao


im in the southeast us

I’m from California

Imma be honest, I don’t even know what to think of at this point. On one side, this looks way too obvious for Amherst to be doing this before the decision date, but at the same time I think the email is legit. idk.


@Dave19003 did the email specify that you were accepted?

Confusion like never before

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Check your spam folders people might find something

Nope nothing

I haven’t gotten any email either. A little concerned but I’m trying not to think too much of it. I’m on EST time if that makes a difference & they are sending it out by region.

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