<p>So I'm an ED acceptee and was wondering how many females I can expect in my bio classes or is it going to be just a bunch of guys? Just wondering. I'm not some dude wanting to get constantly laid. </p>
<p>Just hoping I might find someone who I can use the following quote on:
"When you're in love, you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams"</p>
<p>Reality can never surpass your dreams… the more experience you gain in life the more you’ll realize that it’s true!!</p>
<p>There are a lot of females in bio major. I would prob say its about 50 50… Though y do you have to find a bio major to love . . .</p>
<p>well im guessing the odds are if i get into anything serious it’ll probably be with someone I meet in class rather than when we’re both semi-conscious in a frat party</p>
<p>non-bio majors need love too T_T </p>
<p>and I assume that you’ll more than likely meet girls in places other than class and frat parties =]</p>
<p>yeah, wisdom, guess that’s a pretty good point
-just being my usual sappy self</p>
<p>hardly anyone talks in class to strangers… most of the time if people talk its to people they already know… so if you want to love a bio major, chances are you are going to meet them first outside of class, then find out that they are also bio majors…</p>
<p>I’m a female and a bio major, so that’s one.
one of my labs freshman year was skewed way towards guys but that’s the only time I’ve noticed anything unusual about gender frequency.
also, I don’t think it’s likely you’ll meet someone while <em>in</em> class, because the lectures are too big and labs often require a lot of work. however I guess being in a giant class (like general chemistry) with someone could be a reason to hang out with someone you’ve already met…I don’t really have any first or second hand experience with that but it seems plausible. you could work on problem sets together! although that wouldn’t exactly go with your romantic attitude…</p>
<p>lol, problem sets late into the night. Why not?</p>
<p>lol </p>
<p>While working on problem sets late into the night you discover you’re made for each other when she blurts out, “Our love is like dividing by zero!”</p>
<p>romantic in its own totally cheesy but slightly novel way</p>
<p>lol </p>
<p>I’m such a sucker for those moments.</p>
<p>i guess that is possible hahaha. once i was in my dorm and a girl i never talked to at all who lived on my floor came into my room and asked me questions about the gen chem problem set… though it was more like getting answers instead of working on it together since i did it already…</p>
<p>At first I thought that was an xkcd quote… I find that it’s Dr. Seuss.
Perhaps you should have applied to Dartmouth? ;)</p>
<p>wow. didn’t know he was a dartmouth alum. but its a little too small for me</p>
<p>Biomajor1992, I am already falling for you
I am a freshman right now though…</p>
<p>^ lol are you a guy or a girl?</p>
<p>Somehow my mind is so warped by my two prelims tomorrow that I read through the entire thing and thought the OP was a girl…umm never mind. I’m a guy.</p>
<p>I still think we should have a CC Cornell meeting, especially those of us who are here already…</p>
<p>I’m going to be a bioengineering major at CALS this fall!</p>
<p>not sure exactly how being a male bio major gets you laid… but…</p>
<p>tons of females majoring in bio sci. be careful in picking your program of study. other than that, where exactly did you hear that bio majors were guys? i’ve “gotten lucky” only 2 times in my cornell career as a bio sci major and it was with an architecture major and an engineering major… sorry if that was too much info.</p>
<p>an architect? Damn, you must be pretty good to drive an architect out of hiding!</p>