<p>hey guys i just had a question and it might sound silly but i was wondering if having a twin brother who got a likely letter and will get accpeted into carolina on the 15th will affect my chances? I didnt know if they prefer not to take to kids from the same household at the same time. Im an IN state student and my stats look like this:</p>
<p>ACT:29 Composite; Writing 29 essay 8
SAT:620; reading 640; writing 580; math; 10 on my essay
3.75-3.80 Unweighted GPA and i think its 4.75 weighted
My teacher told me she wrote an excellent teacher rec.
Taken 2 AP classes and got 5 on the exams, and taking 2 AP classes this year along with all honors
200 hours community service, played soccer, in a whole bunch of clubs SERV, SADD, SR. Beta ect.
Some other things but im sure noone wants to read it all haha so if u read this wanna lemme knw my chances please? Thanks. And my school doesnt release rank but i think i was in the 10%-20% range.. our class only has 55 kids in it. Again thankyou.</p>
<p>did you send in both the SAT and the ACT scores? The 29 is strong on ACT for in state. With Carolina, you never know…how many others from your class applied? What were their stats? Are you from a remote area or a competitive area like Charlotte? So hard to tell. Hope you went EA and that way you will know within the next week! Good luck.</p>
<p>hey refering to “25252” im from pitt county which is a pretty rural area. About nine kids applied from my class and last year from the senior class i think 8 got accepted. And yes I did apply early, and I sent in both scores my ACT and SAT because i didnt take the ACT until after i had already sent my SAT scores, does anyone know how they will look at both the scores and which one they will count,the ACT because its higher?</p>
<p>Ns342, my scores were 640 writing, 620 reading, 580 math, 10 on my essay thats my SAT scores</p>
<p>Hey, I can help you on the twin thing. Two of my friends (twins) applied to Notre Dame and both got in. It is VERY unlikely that they won’t accept you. It’s hardly EVER reported that they accept one twin and not the other. :)</p>