<p>...and me, of course. Anyone care to read? No '08ers. Reply and I will PM it to you.</p>
<p>nobody likes batman?</p>
<p>Well i'de like to read it, but I'm 08.
Want to read mine? I just wrote it yesterday. Want to do a trade? or i can just let you see mine anyway. I really need people to look at it.</p>
<p>ok fine, since i really need some help, '08ers are ok =)</p>
<p>im an 08er, but I would love to take a look. trust me, there will be no plagiarism involved.</p>
<p>I'll read it, pm me over and i'll pm back mine</p>
<p>HAHAHAH I would like to look to.... hahahahahahhahahah
i finally found you~!</p>
<p>LOL. go away!</p>
<p>anybody else? i need some serious help!!!</p>
check facebook man,
yo necesito tu ayuda, pronto!</p>