An inside look at Yale admissions in today's Yale Daily News

I do not think that this article will answer any applicants questions on how the admissions committee works except that they do actually read the application packet.

I found this section of the article the most interesting:

According to this idea, a student should have a clear idea of the personal qualities he or she wishes to project to the admissions committee and craft an essay around these qualities. Thus, even a simple slice-of-life essay (as opposed to one about a stupendous experience) can be successful.

^^^This is the advice I give applicants all the time - their essay should reflect something about them. It should make them stand out and give the adcom a picture of them. Not be a dissertation about digging wells for a poverty stricken country with their school group unless this can be tied back to something that is personal.

Similarly, the essay shouldn’t be about your grandparents, or your parents, but about you.

Honestly, I think that might have been one of the silliest articles posted in the YDN. It really didn’t have a point other than “wow, they actually read my application.” Duh, they read his application. I do think that it goes to show that there is no formula for admissions though.

It would be far more interesting to find out why candidates are rejected rather than accepted. Unfortunately, there is no way for this to happen.

Great article. Thanks