<p>my question is: </p>
<p>I am getting an amazing recommendation from the chair of applied physics and director of material science at Rutgers University, department of PHysics and Astronomy.. a really good rec. he was impressed.. well w/e.. my question is.. WOULD THAT FALL UNDER SUPPLEMENT RECOMMENDATION OR NORMAL TEACHER RECOMMENDATOIN?!~???</p>
<p>well, you can also chance me .. chicago is killin me :(
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=400505%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=400505</a></p>
<p>and yea.. thank you very much .. u have no idea how much i appreciate it ;-)</p>
<p>Read the application instructions carefully. Your REQUIRED recommendation letters must come from 2 HS teachers. Any additional letters , like from the Rutgers professor, would be supplemental. Don't try to substitute one for the other.</p>
<p>ohh.. i c.. well thank you very much..
are the recommendations looked upon with the same value????</p>
<p>The rec from the Rutgers professor would be supplemental.</p>
<p>"US AP History Teacher: haha, she will focus on how I was a "robber barron," and how I recieved the highest grade in class with the least effort; how I won all the Jeopardies.. and how i managed the course with other chitloads to do (wasnt bad)"</p>
<p>I think that you need to be a little ... circumspect as to how your application reads. Considering Rockefeller's involvement with UChicago, being a robber baron isn't necessarilly a bad thing. Remember, though, in your essays, that your accomplishments will stand for yourself in the rest of your application. Make sure that the scholar comes through - not just the list of prizes.</p>
<p>What do you mean you were a robber baron? Did you engage in anti-competitive practices? Did you hire Pinkerton to break the kneecaps of your classmates?</p>
<p>Yea bartleby... I hired Pinkerton guards.. and used vertical integration.. n i just eliminated all my competition n kept all the profits.. and oh yea, not only did i have the history monopoly.. i slept w/ carnegie's wife ;-)... pffft.. u know what i meant bro..</p>
<p>and ohio_mom.. thanks for the great advice!! Yes, i understand your point.. so you suggest I keep away from my accomplishments in my essays??</p>
<p>Thanks a big bunch :)</p>
<p>Yes. You will be able to list those directly in your application - and indirectly via your rec's. The admissions people at Chicage are pretty quick on the uptake.</p>
<p>Your essay will give your readers a bit of a clue as to who you are, how you think. Some essays show humor, others analysis, others a more gestalt perspective of what may be someday. You're an interesting person in your own right - not just a stack of blue ribbons. Let it show!</p>
<p>you got it mommy!</p>
<p>thanks a big bunch..
for the most imp. essay.. the long one.. i am doing my own prompt.. maybe if your interested.. i can show you and you can critique it.. i think it is very very clever n well thoguht out ;-).. i havent written the essay yet.. wont do it soon.. but i have the prompt which i would ilke to show you.. if you wish, that is..