Andover Admission Essays-Help!

<p>Hi Everyone,
As you can hopefully tell by the title, I'm applying to Andover for 9th grade. I've figured out what to write for the short essay questions, but I can't think about what to write for the long essay questions! I'm not asking for ideas, since hopefully none of you know my life. I've tried just sitting down and writing whatever comes to my head, but that's only produced bad essays. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get some good ideas?</p>

<p>Generally what I do is I take a break from writing for a day or two and just think. (unless you are hard pressed for time, which you are not really at this point.) Eventually I find some kind of inspiration for an essay, and if I think I can write an entire essay about it without too much trouble then I’ll try to write a rough draft.</p>

<p>Don’t rule out any essays; you might end up thinking your worst choice might be the best choice after brainstorming.</p>

<p>I’m attempting to follow my own guidelines at the moment. XD</p>

<p>Remember that each essay topic has a specific goal in eliciting some characteristic about yourself. I remember one of the topics for me being “what was the best piece of advice some has given you.” That topic’s goal would be to reveal what you value and how you apply it to your own life. Find out what the essay wants and then start to write.</p>

<p>Hi guys I really need help deciding on an option!!! Which one of these do you think is the best to write about-- one that will have the most chance of being accepted into PA??? Please give me a straightforward answer, like “Choice A because…” and also, can you give me a few ideas on what i should write about if i choose that option… THANKS!!</p>

<p>A. Discuss a matter you once thought you knew “for sure”—but of which you are no longer certain.</p>

<p>B. Write a children’s story with you as the main character. It should be autobiographical/semi-autobiographical and include a lesson that you have learned.</p>

<p>C. What is the most valuable piece of advice you have been given? How has that advice changed the way you see yourself, others, and the world?</p>

<p>D. Imagine you are creating the ideal school. Describe it. What would be important to have in your school and why? (Your school must be different than Phillips Academy.)</p>

<p>E. If you were given one day and a budget of $1,000 to make a difference in your community, what would you do? Whom would you involve? What would you hope to achieve?</p>

<p>F. Imagine you are asked to do a one-year research project in either your history/social science or science class. What kind of research project would you design, and what would you hope to learn?</p>

<p>If I were you I would decide between B and E.</p>

<p>B because you get to show your creative self and E because you get to show that you are interested in service and the welfare of others. That’s just my opinion.</p>

<p>You need to stop trying so hard to game the system. There is no “right” essay to pick. If they wanted a particular essay, they would assign that one, without any choice. The reason they give you those choices is that they want to see what YOU care about, and they want to assess how passionately you care about it. If you pick one you’re not really very interested in, it will show. They really won’t care which you pick-- they’ll just care how you answer. Pick the one that speaks to you most personally.</p>

<p>Asking others to provide essay topics would not serve you well at Andover…or any other prep school, where it would be considered academic dishonesty. This a great opportunity to figure it out on your own, and see whether you’ve got what it takes. Just tell yourself that you can do it… And then get it done! Best of luck.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the responses! I’m almost done with my Andover essay</p>