Anita: I'm sorry...

<p>I failed with the proposal. </p>


<p>I didn't mean to, but I couldn't stop myself. First I tried to just ignore him, then I tried being mean, then I did the worst of all :eek:- I I flirted.. Now I will never know how he feels about me. I know I should've waited, but I couldn't! I tried, but I can't help it. I shouldn't have had any form of a conversation with him, but it's too late now. Oh Anita! Please slap some sense into me. I asked the magic eightball...he told me first yes, then better not say yet, than doubtful about whether he had feelings for me. I know this is crazy- but now I shall never know how he feels :(</p>

<p>What to do, what to do? Grrr...why did I have to open my big, fat, mouth? Stupid emotions. They always get in the way. </p>

<p>Gah okay so this explains two things at once. enjoy!</p>

<p>So is this the big thing we've been waiting for? <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>its kinda mean to have these threads where no one knows what you're talking about, and then if anyone tries to participate in the conversation, to ignore them cuz they dont know whats going on.</p>

<p>Psh I don't need to know whats going on to jump in a conversation. I have a gun.</p>

<p>Okay to clarify. this is about gunner? clearer? I thought so :p</p>

<p>lol celeb no worriez ....i probably would've done the same thing if i'd had a chance to TALK at all....argh.... lets just wait and see what happens i guess.... </p>

<p>and gunner: i have a bulletproof jacket your gun is useless :p lol :D</p>

<p>Ma'am I'll shoot your face. Okay before I knew this was about me I understood it more than now that I know more about it. Way. to. go. I think you're lying anyway.</p>

<p>You think I'm lying? About what :eek: I can explain it to you if you'd like?</p>

<p>I don't get what your op is alluding to? If it's about me then I'm seriously confused. with a d. and an e. and an s. and a u. and an f. and an n. and an o. and a c.</p>

<p>well what's confusing? </p>

<p>Well Anita and me thought if I didn't talk with you, you'd show your feelings towards me one way or another. But I jumped the gun and couldnt resist your posting. Thus why I started being a jerk to you. And now how can I know how you feel if I can't guage anyhow? </p>

<p>Anymore confusion?</p>

<p>thanks gunner (for shooting my face) lol :rolleyes: :D</p>

<p>man this is getting complicated. :(</p>

<p>yeah it is. <em>screams</em> I've almost cemented my decision to take a break from cc for at least a little while. I don't think I can get over gunner any other way :( But I shall of course still talk to you! PMs! :D</p>

<p>haha what would we do without those good ol' PMs? </p>

<p>^that almost looks like what would we do without good ol' PMS...lmao :D :D</p>

<p>well good ol' PMS is by our sides plenty lol!</p>

<p>hahaha yeah it is, along with insane hormones and wacky emotions....gosh :rolleyes: :D lol</p>

<p>it's time like these I wish I was one of those people who wasn't attracted to anybody :p</p>

<p>At least you aren’t attracted to me.</p>


<p>Since when can you have a crush on someone based on their FORUM POSTS??????????????????????????</p>

<p>^lol i'm so sure this is someone we know with a new SN :D :D haha</p>

<p>Who do you think it is then? </p>

<p>I like what's going on in the HS forum right now lol.</p>