<p>i'm applying to washu, mainly b/c i'm doing pre-med
i'm sure there have been many threads about this, but do you find it annoying how they send out sooo much mail, email etc.? like i get stuff every week, literally
they do that, and then they seem to waitlist A LOT of people (at least from what i've read and seen)
i just want to hear your opinions on this annoying trend of washu's</p>
<p>You are right - the only thing that surpasses the amount of mail sent out by WashU is the number of threads on this subject (haha)</p>
<p>oh haha, are there that many? lol, i only looked on the first page, and there were none, so i thought i’d address it</p>
<p>i get a lot of mail from a lot of colleges…but i think washu wins.
they sent me a course book. honestly, who does that?</p>
<p>haha, i didn’t get a course book. i guess they don’t like me…</p>
<p>The idea is to sustain interest and inform potential students of the opportunities they will enjoy if accepted here, should they choose to matriculate. I know my old school, Case Western, sent much more.</p>
<p>mjsportsmj, WashU sent me a course book too. I also didn’t understand why they who do that. I mean, I know they would like us to research their academic programs, but I thought colleges only send course books once you are admitted and enrolled.</p>
<p>I’m applying ED. mjsportsmj, are you too?</p>
<p>WashU send a lot of mails to everyone and does a lot of window dressing as well. They give you the impression that if you apply, you will get in.</p>
<p>yeah…i am applying ed to washu.
i hope i get in.</p>