another chances

<p>chances </p>


<p>IM OOS, african -american applying for early action
My GPA IS 3.3 unweighted 4.3 weighted (I am in the ib program)
My extracurriculars
3 years varsity tennis
3 years teen court jury
7 years boy scout
Eagle scout
NIH internship
Two years SADD
Two years peer counseling
Two years volunteering in hospital at ER
Two yeras volunteering at local elementary school with hands on science
Founder of DECA at my school
200+ hours of ssl
2 years actor in drama
Boy scout National HOnor society
Democratic campaigning
Senior patrol leader for boy scout troop
Lead younger scouts (den chief)
SAT Score
math- 800
SAT chem.-800
sat math-800</p>

<p>No more early decision. Only weakness is UW GPA but Im sure you'll get in.</p>

<p>Are you applying for the 2008-2009 academic year? [i.e. are you a hs junior?] Your SAT II scores are amazing, and your SAT I is decent. Your ECs seem good, so I'd say you're in. But who knows?</p>

<p>without a doubt you will be accepted.</p>

<p>I got in with those stats (hispanic), youll get in, prob scholars.</p>

<p>You'll probably get a fat scholarship. Congrats.</p>