<p>Hi, I'm Egzon. I'm 17 years old and I really want to go to Harvard University.
I come from Belgium so English is not my first language (sorry for the mistakes...).
I've always been a very good students in Belgium, 1/240, the best of my school so always have A and I think sometimes Bs but rarely.
I have some extracurriculars but it's not really famous in Belgium to have curriculars because here, colleges don't care about that, but :
-Music, with a cd with some other students and we were in the newspaper of Belgium, with me in the picture because I was like the "leader".
-President of my school for 3 years and president of my class for 5.
I worked as a student for 2 years for like 10h/week or something like that.
I helped to send furnitures to Africa with my school and also we did something against the tuberculosis by selling pens, etc...
I came in NYC for my senior year and here, because I don't understand all English I got a C, but I think I can do better now, after one month I start to understand almost all what teachers say.
I have 3-4 recommandations of my teachers. I studied Latin for 5 years when I was in Belgium but since I came here, I cannot do it anymore. I speak 3, almost 4 languages : -Albanian, -French, -Dutch, -English, and if we can say Latin, I can read and translate all texts of Cicero, Vergilius, etc...
For my essay, I first come from Kosovo, if you know it's a little country of Europe where there were some wars that pushed my father to leave it and to come in Belgium. Do you think that will be something interesting to write in my essay ?
Second and that's really more important, there is something really grave that happened to me. I have a really rare disease something like 1/10000 in the world. When the doctors told me that, I was disoriented for about 1 year and a half ( it's really hard to hear that when you are only 14-15 years old), that's something really important, do you think it could be something interesting to write ? I've nerver talked about that with anybody because it's something really embarassing for the teenagers, but I kept having good grades sometimes I had B, but it was the time when I was rebellious because I was angry against everybody because of this disease...
What I want to do after, I want to create an organization like Bill Gates, to help find a treatment against this disease to help other children like live a better life than mine. I am really motivate, that's why I left all my stuff and my family( I'm just 17), to be able to live my dream...
Dp you think my motivations in my essay are good enough ?</p>
<p>Thank you for answering....</p>