Another Mid-Year Report thread...

<p>So, interestingly enough, my senior year hasn't been as easy as everyone said it would be. The thing is, my AP Gov and AP Econ class switch off every other day, so our semester grades are really "quarter grades" and are changed at the end of 2nd semester.</p>

<p>AP Gov- B
AP Macroecon- 87.7% (sigh...) = B
AP English Lit- A
AP Calc BC- not sure yet? maybe a B
Korean 5 Honors-A
Ceramics- A
Advanced Journalism- A</p>

<p>Is the Mid-Year Report extremely important???</p>

<p>AP Chem: C+ (ouch!)
Pre-Calc Honors: A-
Honors American Lit: A
APUSH: A-</p>

<p>not bad… my chem grade is just hurting my GPA. Luckily, if we get a 5 on the AP exam, my teacher gives us an A for the year grade, and a B+ for a 4. Last year, some kid skipped class almost every day except to do the labs (and was consequently failing), then got a 5 on the AP Chem exam and was given an A for a final grade. How crazy is that?</p>

<p>Wow Government, that’s funny! And it is important if you were deferred especially.</p>

<p>The Government, we used to have that policy as well… until my Calc AB teacher and AP Chem teacher got tired of giving As to kids who got Fs in the classes, so our school’s the only school in the district that got rid of it 4 years ago. </p>

<p>what if we weren’t deferred? Just RD… still important?</p>

<p>@The Government: I am so, so jealous. Then again, I’m not sure I’d be able to pass the test without doing work throughout the year… but I am sure plenty of others could. Too bad my school doesn’t do that…</p>

<p>Mid-year grades are pretty important… I think most schools look at them most carefully, along with junior year. Seems like your grades are pretty solid, though.</p>