Another question for UCD Admissions

<p>My daughters Dec ACT scores were held up by a computer glitch at the central UC processing center. Fortuntately, it is cleared up now so she can see the updated info on the application status website. However, on her UCD site, it doesn’t reflect the official 12/08 scores; only the 9/08 scores and her self-reported 12/08 scores. To worry???</p>

<p>I would probably give it a week or two more. if this glitch was recent, then it might take some time.</p>

<p>My advice is not to worry about things you have no control over. If it was UC’s fault then I’m sure UC Davis admissions will not penalize you for it.</p>

<p>If you would like to PM me with the application ID or Davis Student ID number I can look into this further. It will still take some time for the information to be received by the individual campuses from the central processor so these should be received soon.</p>