Another Robbery

<p>Just read that 2, 24 year old, grad students were robbed at gunpoint in the University Village gated parking lot Monday morning.
I feel really bad for them because they were returning from the library and on top of having their keys, phones, cash and credit cards that these bums stole their books, flash drive and papers (and being in grad school I am guessing these were just as important as the phone, cash and credit cards!!)</p>

<p>This is happening all over. Just read that at my oldest son’s U (not Alabama) they had 4 armed robberies/muggings last Saturday night (it looks like all 4 were done by the same group of men.) Its scary out there and I guess all we can do is tell our kids to be aware and not to go out in the late night/early mornings. However it sounds like these grad students were returning from the library so I guess this was during working hours. I feel sorry for them too, but am glad no one was hurt.</p>

<p>DS’s university hires security people (armed with walkie talkies) to stand on street corners all around the campus. Not just on the campus, but in the surrounding neighborhoods. They are there until 2am. I was shocked at how many I saw when I helped him move into his new off-campus apartment in August. These types of crimes are happening everywhere! Just thankful that no one was hurt!</p>

<p>This apt complex is not very close to the univ even tho its name suggests that it is. It’s 3 miles away. It’s located around where I-20 meets I-359.</p>

<p>DS’s university hires security people (armed with walkie talkies) to stand on street corners all around the campus. Not just on the campus, but in the surrounding neighborhoods. They are there until 2am</p>

<p>Good idea, but even that wouldn’t have stopped this…too far away from the university. A univ isn’t going to put cops on every corner within a 3+ mile parameter. </p>

<p>And, this took place INSIDE a gated community. It must have been one that people can walk into.</p>

<p>According to the article in The Tuscaloosa News online the incident happened after midnight as the students reportedly returned home from an on campus library. Police found an opening cut in the fence where they believe the perps entered and fled the scene.</p>