Robbery in Paty hall parking lot. CAREFUL!

Current students, please please be careful when you are outside.(I guess I need to quit night walking)

Now after I read the article, I wonder: why phone only? The suspects could have stolen wallets as well. I hope the robbers are arrested soon.

After reading the police report, I don’t know why the victim’s cellphone was the only item taken, however as a parent, I want to say " Let the assailants have the cellphone, wallet, money or car. please do not chase after the assailants like this young man did". He was struck from behind so I am hoping that he is all right, but it could have been much worse. If it is only money or valuables that get taken, all these “things” can be replaced, But not your life.

I thought the same; why the cellphone only? The report says the victim had minor injury only, so he should be fine shortly, I think. I am glad these thugs didn’t do something worse, i.e. beating the victim…

I was considering walking to apartment from school(30 minutes) next year since I will have some late classes, but I guess I gotta find a friend who would give me a aride

@Paul2752 How far from campus are you planning to live? Couldn’t you find someplace closer?

The crimson ride does stop at some apartments. You can check with your apartment to see if they have a stop and also check the schedule to see how late they go to that stop.

Campus Evolution Village(used to be called Univ. Village). It has apartment shuttle but two my classes are from 5 to 6:15. It had a pretty good deal.

Anyway…will this robbery give some alerts to increase the security?

@paul2752 How about a bike? It would be faster than walking, just make sure to put reflectors on and a light if you will be biking after dark. You might be able to get a ride from one of your roommates.

This seems just like this other robbery last year.

These two cases look very similar.
Maybe they are same people? Did UAPD catch the suspects last year?

another robbery just 4 hours ago. God, what the heck is happening?

^^^Again, I caution students to not confront individuals who seem like they are up to no good, better to have driven away from the spot to another area (since the victim was in his car), and reported the incident to the police and have the police check out the area.