Answering Nursing School Questions without Healthcare experience?

Hi! I’m currently a senior applying for college. Some of the direct entry nursing schools I am applying to ask for previous healthcare experience in an additional question. However, I realized my career choice pretty late and didn’t get the chance to volunteer/shadow in a healthcare setting. The hospitals in the area I live in have a very long process to get admitted to be a volunteer, so even if I get accepted to volunteer, I will have already submitted my apps. (applying early action and rolling admissions). What should I write instead for the ‘why nursing’ questions instead? I will appreciate any advice and help!

Start by asking yourself the following questions: What do you think nursing is? What are nurses roles and standards of practice? What draws you to nursing? How do you see yourself functioning as a nurse? What attributes to you have that would make you a successful nursing student and nurse? Look at each nursing program as listed on their websites. Most have an area that describe their philosophy, mission and list specific outcomes. Do you see yourself in these situations. If so, describe how. What can you bring to the table as a nursing student and as a student in that particular university or college. They are not looking for a “I want to serve people, change the world” type essay. You can speak from the heart but must offer specifics. Remember, there are thousands more applicants for direct entry programs than the 100 or so slots available per program. What sets you apart? Why should they invest the time, education and technology on you? If you can answer those questions, you will give them a reason to admit. You may mention that you come to realize nursing is your desired career path later than many. Do not spend any time explaining why you do not have direct nursing experience. Present yourself as a critical thinker, a leader, a compassionate person. Take your time and write a thoughtful essay, be proud of yourself.

It has become hard to get volunteer experience inside many hospitals. You might check about nursing homes or ambulance services. Even if you haven’t completed the volunteer work, it would be helpful to say that you are scheduled to start next month.

You might check to see if there is any type of health care or medical explorers club in your area.

Many students are accepted to nursing programs without any health care volunteer experience.

Many nursing programs want to see that applicants know what they are getting into, and really want to be a nurse. They fear accepting students who just want job security, but don’t have the dedication to be successful…

What state are you in?

My daughter is currently a freshman at a local private LAC who was accepted for early admission into the nursing program. However, she needs to keep a certain GPA in order to keep her seat in the program. She was accepted and given a decent scholarship with absolutely no healthcare or volunteer experience.

She explained during the interview that it was late in her senior year when she realized this is what she wanted, and hoped to find volunteer opportunities while on campus…which she did and starts next week. And plans to get her CNA license her sophomore year.

As far as the essay portion, she really concentrated on presenting herself as a great candidate with her involvement in extracurricular activities that taught her leadership, organization and time management.

She was wait-listed at 4 other nursing schools. The nursing program is so dang competitive and they can take “the best of the best”. She at the very last minute applied to the program in our town and is so happy she did! She at first, was disappointed as she wanted move out of state and experience the world. This has turned out great for her. Once you get your nursing license you can go anywhere!

Best of luck to you!

My daughter who had zero healthcare experience was admitted to several top programs. For her why nursing essay she focused on the skill set required for nursing: ability to advocate others needs, ability to work collaboratively, ability to make decisions quickly when necessary. She talked about her activities and the streangths she showed in the key nursing areas vis a vis these activities like DECA ( roll plays required assessing information quickly to make decisions , editor in chief of newspaper ( work collaborativel with others for common goal) ) , Buddies program ( helping students with disabilities be integrated into school…advocate for others) etc…

My daughter’s “health care experience” was limited to about 40 hours of volunteer experience helping at the front desk of a hospital, where she learned almost nothing about health care. The important thing is to show that you have researched what nursing is really like, and hopefully have talked to some nurses, as opposed to relying entirely upon Grey’s Anatomy.