hello @ucla2021. I have several questions
what a four year plan (or at least a freshman year schedule) would look like for a premed student at UCLA?
what are several places to get INTERNSHIPS and RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES?
does UCLA have a specific office/position that serves as a career center?
how useful is UCLA’s alumni network when it comes to opportunities?
what hospitals/research centers are most accepting/open to undergraduate students?
thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
@ericbadmon I believe you asked about bell shaped curve, and 10s4, being that he’s in engineering, might not realize that for LS classes specifically (courses within life sci. department), they generally AREn’t curved.(Well, I’m only a Sophomore, so not sure about upper division …) So/but for ex., if one takes calculus LS-30 series, its not curved grade with B- average. Its a point-based system instead. So, in actuality, whether or not the grades are curved depends on what professor, and even more so, which department the course is in.
Generally, classes are curved because people don’t get 90%. In some really hard engineering courses, someone getting 70% might be top of the class, so that person will get an A.