Answering questions about Loomis

Are you allowed to have door decorations? For example, can you put a whiteboard outside your door, paper cutouts, etc.?

Also, do you or can you live in the same dorm for all 4 years?

No, you cannot. Right now Iā€™m a sophomore and I live in a diff dorm from my freshman dorm, and a lot of sophomroes live in ammidon (sophomore only dorm) then move to an upperclassmen dorm later on. The only situation of the same dorm in all 4 years would (theoretically) be all gender housing, but since this is only the 2nd year of AGH no one has rlly spent their whole time here.

also depending on whether you apply for prefect itā€™s unlikely lol

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YES!!! last year my dorm gave me a whiteboard on my door, and usually during holidays you get to wrap them (with gift wrapping)

as long as you take them down when the fire marshall comes youā€™re good I think.

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Thank you !!

-Are there healthy eating options throughout the entire experience?

-How do students make free-time/time to do fun things and relax, when they have a busy weekday schedule? (School, sports, homework, etc.)

we have a salad bar and a sandwich bar, and also like yogurt if thatā€™s what you mean by healthy?? also lots of fruits. Thereā€™s also a vegan and vegetarian section too which helps.

For me (Iā€™m quite busy) I kind of relax at night because Iā€™m more of a staying up late person, so that might include just like scrolling on my phone for a bit etc. mealtimes are pretty good time to not stress about hw or anything and I find that they really become core parts of my day. And lastly like weekends are usually the most relaxing, thereā€™s a lot of activities and you just have that as well.

also like due to loomisā€™s brilliant scheduling you at least have 2 free blocks per term so you can use those to destress as well

How long does it usually take to get all homework done?

Also ā€“ is lights out enforced?

depends on the person

im not productive and have too much work so like 3 hrs??

lights out is 10:30 for freshman, 10:45 for sophomores, and no lights out for uppers

Glad you brought up LCSP. Iā€™m thinking of taking the writing courses online this summer. What do you think of the program? Did you like it?

I really enjoyed it, and it honestly made me want to go to Loomis more. As I mentioned before, I took Power & Persuasion 2, which has Power & Persuasion 1 as a prerequisite. I ended up just skipping the prerequisite and going directly to Power & Persuasion 2 without much of a gap. In my class, we worked on personal and persuasive essays, which I really liked. There were opportunities for instructor feedback as well as peer review, both of which I found super helpful and I ended up revising my essays multiple times for a great final result. The only part I didnā€™t like was working in small groups since there were a bunch of awkward silences, but thatā€™s honestly just online breakout rooms as a whole lol. Other than that, I feel that I came out of that class better prepared for writing in high school. All in all, I definitely recommend LCSP, and am definitely going to take a look at more courses this summer! Please let me know if you have any other questions

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Do they do a good job with roommates? Is it hard living with a roommate?

Freshman will have a survey in the summer for a roommate match
After that you can choose your roommate

I donā€™t know how well it works tbh Iā€™ve heard bad stories and good stories i think it depends on the person,
I had a single and likely wonā€™t have a roommate until college since Iā€™m in all gender housing lol

Are there room inspections?? Are they very strict?

What is the difference between dorm parents, RAs, prefects, dorm faculty, etc.?

Anyone from Nevada committed to Loomis? If so message me please :slight_smile:

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Yes, we have a casual one every week on sundays that makes sure your room is clean, etc.

the ones over break are more strict b/c theyā€™re mandated by the fire marshall

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dorm PARENTS - one per dorm, in charge of everything, lives INSIDE the dorm, captain of the ship no matter what.

dorm FACULTY - people who live in dorm affiliated housing/inside a dorm, comes in every weekend and does check in duty. also usually lives in the dorms (similar to dorm head)

dorm AFFILIATES - people who live on campus housing NOT in a dorm/off campus on their own, comes in once a week (on a designated weekday) and does check in/study hall duty, not here on weekends.

prefects - juniors living in underclassmen dorm. Dorm leadership. Helps with everything

RAā€™s - seniors doing the same but for upperclassmen dorms. Dorm leadership/planning


What happens if you get sick on campus, like a cold? Or if the sickness is bad enough that you canā€™t go to class?

you go to the health center

they excuse you from class or force you to go depends on the severity

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Thank you!

Are there any things you would recommend to bring to Loomis, that isnā€™t already stated/recommended in the packing list?