Answering questions about Loomis

They say only Loomis hoodies are allowed but people wear pretty much any kind and get away with it.

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What is the dating culture like? Also what is the sex, drug, and partying culture like?

We have a town nearby! You have to siso (sign out) to leave but itā€™s pretty close and you can go anytime during the day if you donā€™t have class.

If you want to leave further than that you have to get a PER. approved by your parents and the deans office, But otherwise itā€™s pretty free game.
Iā€™ve gone to nyc, new haven, and west hartford thru pers. They also have trips that you donā€™t need parent approval for (as itā€™s school sponsored) every weekend to malls, shopping centers, supermarkets, etc.

The town of windorā€”you can look up on google maps but we have a grocery store, restaurants, cvs, library, cafe, church, and some stores like antique stores and whatnot; the people are mostly nice and itā€™s a pretty pedestrian friendly town.

The curfew for freshmans and sophomores to be at their dorms on weekends is 10:30, and 11:00 for upper classes

hope this helps!

no but people wear them anyways and most (emphasis) most teachers donā€™t dress code. The deans for me? are surprisingly lax b/c they kind of let go of the dress code the past few years + thereā€™s a current work group from students for changing the dress code

depends on who you are honestly

Dorms do!!! at the start/end of the year thereā€™s usually dorm bbqs. Throughout the year individual dorms also host their individual events. Birthdays are also celebrated in dorm. And I know underclassmen dorms like cutler typically go to bowling centers during pre-covid years. For me I live in all gender housing in Flagg which is connected to another dorm so we have pizza parties/whatever with them pretty often. We also had like a secret santa thing as well. Last year I was in Cutler and they hadā€¦some knee hockey thing I honestly donā€™t know but that was fun as well.

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How are tryouts for sports like if you havenā€™t played that sport before? Can you tryout for JV teams if youā€™ve never played that sport before?

I was wondering this as well ā€“ are there things like club volleyball or club basketball?

This I can answer - my brother went to Loomis in 2018, but I donā€™t expect much has changed since then.

Honestly, it depends on the sport. It was a mild shock to our parents, but the soccer and hockey teams were very competitive. My brother was cut from the thirds soccer team and barely made the JV ice hockey team. It makes sense, however - ice time is limited and there are only so many soccer fields. In sports like cross country, however, the team is open to almost everyone. I canā€™t speak on club sports, and it would be a better idea for you to look for it on the website.

I would like to preface that that would be the case in many, if not all boarding schools, at least at the competitive level and in sports with limited time to practice. After all, these schools are going to play against each other.


Does anyone know the general schedule (like how many free blocks there are, how many classes per day, and when the school day starts/finishes)?

I know a boy who had to work his way up from thirds in a sport heā€™d played at a decent club level before LC. And a girl who had a great experience with a sport sheā€™d never play competitively. It really will depend on the sport.


Hi Natalie,
So the school day usually starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 3:20 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Wednesdays, the school day starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 12:20 PM. This is because of sports practices and games.
The amount of free blocks depends on how many classes you are taking. The maximum amount of classes a person can take is 5 and a half. A half course usually meets half as much as a regular class. If you are taking 5 and a half classes, you would typically have about 6 free blocks per cycle. If you take 5 classes, you get 8 free blocks. If you take 4 and a half, you get 10 free blocks. Hopefully, you get the idea. For sophomores, you would get two fewer frees than normal because of the mandatory writing workshop and seminar classes that meet once a cycle.
4 classes meet each day.

I hope this was helpful. If you have anymore questions do not hesitate

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As @foxrye said, it truly depends on who you are. From what I know, weed is kinda popular on campus. A lot of kids do it. I do not know if thereā€™s anything else. Dating culture varies a lot. i know a couple thatā€™s been together for years. I know couples that break up and make up every other week. And I know couples that ā€œdateā€ for like a week lol. Hook-up culture is pretty big. There are popular hookup spots on campus. When it comes to parties, I am completely out of the blue lol. I couldnā€™t tell you anything abt that. I hope this was somewhat helpful

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I think thereā€™s usually like 30 new juniors? someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong. This year itā€™ll be considerably less because Loomis did over-enroll last year, so thereā€™s less space for new students this year (the dorm Iā€™m currently in, Harman, had to build an extension to accommodate the new students. I also believe some upperclassmen that arenā€™t prefects are living in underclassmen dorms due to lack of space in upperclassmen dorms and vice versa)

@Natalie3 adding onto this; keep in mind that as a freshman/sophomore you will have a workjob in your block as well as daytime study hall and the seminar for the best self. But that still leaves you with 3-4 frees.

LC is more binding on classes you take for this reasonā€”super hard to get 6 class course load (4 frees) on top of work jobs, meetings, etc. I have that plan rn and sometimes it gets exhausting

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probably a little less than that, but there are some new juniors who come in for atheltics each year. I think a lot of them blend in fine though.

one of my friends was a new junior and she adjusted really well

Me too! Our son was accepted as a 9th LC scholar. Can anyone add any color or past experiences with this program?

Any soccer players going to revisit days?

im not an lc scholar personally but a lot of my friends were in the program and it seems to be really good. you take the summer camp before coming to lc, you get to have your own events with other lc scholars, and the connections are super valuable. you also get a trip paid by the school during summers which is nice

the biggest benefit i can think of is connections. i know someone had the student body pres help look at their speech for student council freshman year and also like they have dinner with head of school every year.

Are there printers you can use to print things whenever? For example, printing posters/decorations?

Yeah! We have two printers in the library and some new ones in the snug (though I donā€™t usually use printers so I canā€™t tell you).

I donā€™t think printing colored posters/decorations on campus is best b/c those printers only do black&white. But for weekend events, etc. the teachers/faculty will usually get it printed elsewhere/in their own offices lol

If you want to decorate your dorm Iā€™d say likeā€¦target photos?? itā€™s quite cheap and they always have sales lol

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