Anxiety over Recommendations

How to cope with anxiety? Any personal methods?

Talk to a trained professional. Seriously.

Educating yourself on anxiety such as what it actually is and what type you may have is important. I recommend
I would also seek professional help if this gets more intense for you.
Eating healthy, exercising, and keeping yourself occupied with activities you enjoy can help as well. Good luck!

Thoughts on college and anxiety:

My DD had anxiety in school. It was preventing her from doing things she liked. She talked to a doctor and was put on medications. It liberated her so much.

When you say you are having anxiety does it mean that you are suffering from disordered anxiety, or you are just feeling anxious? If you aren’t sure, go talk to someone trained in identifying which it is (like your counseling center). It will help regardless. But if you are just feeling a little anxious about recommendations (maybe the fact they haven’t been submitted? I’ve been there—it’s horrible), find ways to distract yourself, and don’t worry about being annoying in reminding them that this is something you requested. I send a “tickle” email once a week or so and every day close to the deadline if I’ve given them enough time.