<p>I was admitted, however i received an F in precal my 1st semester. Hopefully i don’t get rescinded, because I am currently the same course at the local community college.</p>
<p>I wish I was doing Construction Management… What was your GPA & SAT? The F might actually matter, my advice would be to drop the class at your HS and talk to Cal Poly admissions.</p>
<p>gpa 3.3, math 560 Eng 500. EC: eagle scout, 3 sport athlete, and accepted into EOP.</p>
<p>Accepted. Don’t know if i’ll be going to SDSU for business though. SLO got a new building for Construction Management, and it sounds cool.</p>
<p>I thought Construction Management was a difficult major to get in to.</p>
<p>I don’t know.Wouldn’t consider myself too “bright”</p>
<p>Sats: 1280
w-gpa: 3.55
act: 28</p>
<p>[Cal</a> Poly Construction Management Scores Multiple First Place Finishes in Reno Competition](<a href=“Press Releases | University Communications and Marketing”>Press Releases | University Communications and Marketing)</p>