Any BW parents who might be willing to talk about financial aid/grants/scholarships/etc?

Hi CC gurus. I was hoping to see if any Baldwin Wallace parents might be willing to discuss the financial aid process? Is the best indicator the online calculator? Or does the university ever offer grants not listed, or the MT department offer money outside of the Griffiths scholarship? Thank in advance!!

Hi. I’m not a current BW parent, but I have a S that auditioned this past weekend and we have visited a bit with the school. What we learned this weekend is that whatever merit scholarship level your child is eligible for is automatic. IE: If you have X GPA and Y Test scores, the merit scholarship is Z and everyone who meets those stats gets it. Talent scholarships for MT freshmen are extremely rare. Need based aid is communicated to you with your “packet” if you are accepted. For fall auditioners, this will come about a week after the email decision. I assume it would be similar for winter/spring auditions.

I posted on your other thread… but @speezagmom has good info there for you… I can also attest that the automatic merit aid was still awarded to my D who wasn’t admitted until mid April from the wait list.

@speezagmom what day did your son audition? I wonder if you were one of the wonderful mom’s I spent the day with. I know that BW’s aid package is among the best out there for MT students.

@mommafaria We were there on Sunday. I visited quite a bit with another MTO kid mom was it you?

Nope I was there on Saturday. There were quite a few boys auditioning on Saturday. Wasn’t it an awesome experience? The people working at BW are amazing

Nope I was there on Saturday. There were quite a few boys auditioning on Saturday. Wasn’t it an awesome experience? The people working at BW are amazing

Yes, they did a fantastic job. Sunday had quite a few boys too. At the end of the dance call when they brought the parents in and the kids were seated along the one wall, it looked like about 1/3 boys and 2/3 girls though I didn’t really count. I’m sure they told you this in Saturday too, but their freshman class this year is 13 boys and 4 girls. Since they strive for balance, there could be a small number of spots for boys this year. Best of luck to you! I know we’ll be on pins and needles waiting to hear the results in a couple of weeks.

UGH they didn’t say anything about the breakdown of boys to girls last year. That does not bode well. Did your son feel confident about his audition?

Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s hope that the prior year’s group was primarily made up of girls. I noticed during the master class that the vast majority of those performing were girls. I’m really interested in hearing how your son felt about the audition?

Hi @mommafaria Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve been offline for a couple of days. Being an obsessive researcher, I went back and looked at the “class of…” pictures for each year that will still be there next year and counted. I can’t remember now what the total was, but I felt a little better after looking at all the classes. I think they were still boy heavy but maybe by about 4-5. My son felt the audition went well, but of course, you could have the best audition in the world and not get in if they already have someone just like you in the class before. I think I have a harder time waiting than he does! How did your son feel about the audition?

Mine said he crushed the audition. Said the acting professor gave him great feedback and his songs were the best he’s sung them. They were engaged in his first song, and when he sang the B-flat in Maria, their heads shot up from writing. I don’t know if that means anything, but he said he couldn’t have done any better. Did they speak to/redirect your son at all?

My son attended MTO there this summer so he was acquainted with the acting professor as well as two of the vocal auditors. He said that the acting professor was very friendly, they chatted a bit, he gave great feedback. They were backed up when he got to the vocal audition - running late - so they didn’t really chat with him or the kid behind him who he knew - who also attended MTO. He said that Vicky was smiling and nodding the entire time. So - all went very well. I just wish that guaranteed you a spot. Unfortunately, it doesn’t.

We know kids who also received talent scholarships based on audition (on top of the automatic merit awards) and one boy who received an additional award because his father is in the ministry.