<p>I have a question for Canadians at Vanderbilt because other people do not seem to be able to answer this question. My question is how do canadian grades on the american grade system of 4.0 GPA... Here, 80 plus is A and i have two 80-85.. 2 85-90 and 2 90+... So basically all As and i am in IB so it is harder than normal Canadian schools. how do i look? .. what kind of grades did you Canadians have when entering Vanderbilt? Does A mean automatically 4.0 GPA?? Thanks for your help!!</p>
<p>People from Canadia don't go to Vandy</p>
<p>AH!! Thanks! great knowing i will not fit in!</p>
<p>I was obviously joking</p>
<p>Your best bet is to call the admissions office and to ask to speak to the counelor assigned to Canadian applicants. I'm sure they will be willing to give you some insight on your questions. The admissions staff is known for being friendly, even when the questions are often things that can be answered by researching the website. Your question is certainly more unusual and I'm sure you will find someone willing to shed some light on your question.</p>