<p>“Just to clarify, Catholicism is not big in the Bible Belt. Religion in the Bible belt means the Baptist denomination of Christianity. I think there’s only one or two catholic churches in the Clemson area compared to 800 baptist churches”</p>
<p>What does that have to do with anything? Saying there are not as many Catholic churches in a predominantly protestant area is not saying all that much. I am from south eastern PA, and it’s nearly the exact opposite of what you said. The OP is not likely to go to school near an area with 800 baptist churches, so it is irrelevant anyway. </p>
<p>I agree with those who previously said to not be afraid to apply to a school because of money concern. Obviously have some safeties, but you never know what you might get from these places. </p>
<p>To mention some Catholic colleges you might want to check out (other than obviously ND and Gtown) - I highly recommend Villanova University for engineering. University of San Diego also would be good as well.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>