<p>So, my Junior year I took an ASL 1 class. Unfortunatley, even though I did all my work and got "A" and "B" 's on my tests and assignments, I overslept on the day of the Final (I had the class in the morning) and the teacher brang down my grade to a D (it was a B before the final). Now the problem was, was that the class was also considered a college class so there are actually two grades I got. One for my High School and the other for the community college. My high school grade said I got a D, my community college grade said I got a C. The grades are supposed to be the same, as said by my counsler. However, upon telling the ASL teacher that, he promptly refused to change it, saying I needed to "learn my lesson" (which I do agree it is a lesson to be learned but a B to a D is highly unreasonable). So now, I have to take Chinese 3 (I took Chinese 1, sophmore year and I am also half-chinese), while taking ASL 101B to show that I at least "tried to make up the grade." </p>
<p>Unfortunately again, even though I did well on the tests and assignments, I had to get 20 hours of "Lab" hours in which I was only able to get 10 because of tough scheduling conflicts. The teacher from this class (apparently aiming to beat my previous teacher's grade) said I had a "F" because of this. The teacher told me to sign a student petition form which would change the grade into an "I" (for Incomplete) so I can makeup the rest of the ten hours so she can give me a better grade. I did this, and she said she already turned in the "F" grade to the administration.</p>
<p>Now, this was all during the time of College applications. So, I had to send in my High School transcipt AND my community college transcript (which could possibly have an "F") on it to California State and UC's.</p>
<p>This is what is REALLY bothering me, because I heard colleges don't accept "D" 's. I have a D on my transcipt (which I didn't bother to mention in my application) and possibly an F on my community college transcript. Am I getting screwed over because of this?</p>
<p>My friend said I'll be fine, but it's really bothering me</p>
<p>If you have any questions, I will answer them.</p>
<p>I can’t believe your teacher did that to you. If my teacher gave me a D in the class because of the final I would have raised hell. Tell me your parents got involved, did they?</p>
<p>With this second class, what happened? Your teacher said you got an I, but then turned around and gave you an F? How long did you fight this?</p>
<p>Hopefully this isn’t too blunt or harsh. To answer your question, it depends what you mean by fine. Having a D and an F is a red flag, especially during your junior year. You didn’t even mention this in your essay? Why not? I’m not saying you won’t get into college, because as long as the rest of your app is good then you will. I just wouldn’t count on getting into your reach schools. You’ll probably still get in somewhere, where did you apply?</p>
<p>That’s the part I am unsure of, because when I said that I submitted the student petition, my teacher already said she turned the grade in and said the college might change the grade. She was really unclear as to what my grade acutally is. I also am having trouble trying to get to the college to ask what my grade is due to time constraints but I’m hoping to find out by this week.</p>
<p>My counselor told me to say the ASL is an elective (which I have). I’m also over my credits, by at least 5 or more units. </p>
<p>I’ve applied to the lower regions of the UC area and SDSU, SF state and SJ state</p>
<p>The amount of classes you miss is nearly always inversely proportional to your grade in the class. And finals count as at least 10 classes with this formula.</p>
<p>brang is not a word and being that you were under the impression it was and with this story in mind, I’m going to guess you weren’t all that qualified to begin with</p>
<p>Well, that isn’t really helpful. Assuming I’m not qualified just because I used a word that I hear a lot where I live. Just like a lot or alot, you’re just nit-picking.</p>
<p>and the teacher brang down my grade to a D </p>
<p>um…brang isn’t a word.</p>
<p>Warning: You may not like what I am about to say.</p>
<p>If you did not get your parents involved since the situation mostly did not seem fair, then this is partially your fault. If something is wrong you should try to get it fixed by talking to your GC or parents. They CAN make a difference. Also you should have explained the situation in an essay to the colleges because they probably just thought that you did horribly in the class. When you say that you couldn’t finish the 10 hours of lab work because of “difficult schelduling” it makes you seem as though you won’t be able to handle college level classes. You could have come before school or stayed after to do those 10 hours. </p>
<p>Yes the D and F will affect you. UC schools are very hard to get into, even if you have a 3.6 GPA and all A’s and a couple of B’s. I suggest you apply to a couple of safety schools because there is a chance that you won’t make it into a UC school.</p>