Any Dance majors willing to answer questions?

<p>My D is looking for a well rounded dance program that includes higher levels of tap, plus she would like the opportunity to audition for school theater productions. As she is a potential NM Finalist, Bama is very applealing to mom and dad.
Can any current or former dance major give me some insight into the dance program?</p>

<p>I’m not sure if there are any Dance majors on the CC forum right now. Have you visited the school? If not, I’d suggest doing so. And, contact Allison and Susan in the honors college, tell them about the Dance major interest, and they’ll set up meetings with the right folks.</p>

<p>Thanks, mom2. We are in Michigan, so visiting would be difficult. Worth it, though, if the dance program has potential.</p>

<p>My daughter, now a sophomore, only added Dance as a second major after auditioning in the spring but she has never danced tap. Her primary focus will be jazz with secondary ballet so the two professors she has been in contact with are Professor Carter and Professor Ping. On the UA website tap is referenced under jazz so you may want to contact Professor Carter with questions about the program and what the offerings are for tap. I did note that in the course catalog there is only one course specifically in tap - a 400 level course.<br>
Another option, if you didn’t wanted to start at the top with Professor Carter, would be to contact Instructor John Virciglio. My daughter had a class with him and really enjoyed it. In his bio it mentions that he dances tap.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Another dance question. Just hoping someone might know. My daughter has a hip hop class scheduled for tomorrow in Dance Studio 103 and has no idea where that is. Has emailed teacher but not heard back. Any ideas?</p>

<p>Is it in Clark Hall? There is a dance studio in there now on the third floor.</p>

<p>A 3400-square-foot studio, which used to be a public meeting room and is now the dance studio, exists on the third floor.</p>

<p>Unless things have changed, the dance studio is located between Tutwiler and the craft beer store on Bryant Drive.</p>

<p>The studio on Bryant is correct. Got an email from the instructor. Thanks for the help (again!!!). UACCRs are truly amazing!</p>

<p>It’s weird that the classroom location was so vague on MyBama. Some of the dance classes are in Clark Hall (maybe in the dance studio that I mentioned) and the others just say Dance Studio 103 …yet nothing seems to come up to say where that is.</p>

<p>I know!! Luckily we heard back from the instructor. That’s a long way to walk if you are in the wrong place!</p>