Any decent schools?

Hi, my gpa is a 3.2/4 and I have a 24 on my ACT. I know generally speaking it’s not the best but considering that I’m an African American female student coming from a low-income household on the south side of Chicago my circumstances are different from the norm. I’m looking for colleges in the northeast and the west. I’m trying to exclude the midwest and the south because I’m looking to branch out into new things. Any options?

I highly recommend looking into Questbridge if you’re a junior now. It entails a full ride to a partner college if you get the scholarship. Most of those schools are northeast or western so that’s just a suggestion

Can you study and try to get that ACT up? With a 26 you could get a full tuition scholarship to Howard.

Also, Prairie View A & M in Texas

I know you said not the South but University of Arkansas and Alabama State would also give you full tuition scholarships.

Again if you can get that ACT up to 26, you could be in the running for a competitive full tuition scholarship at University of New Mexico.